Big News about the 2021 Biennial Meeting


The SRCD Biennial Meeting will be held virtually! New dates: April 7-9, 2021

Logo for the SRCD 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting, April 7-9, 2021

Dear SRCD Members and Developmental Scientists Around the Globe,

We write with the news that the 2021 Biennial Meeting will be held entirely virtually and that the dates have shifted slightly to April 7-9, 2021 (Wednesday through Friday) to accommodate the virtual format.

The SRCD Governing Council and Conference Program Co-Chairs came to this decision after hearing from members of the Biennial Program Committee, Chairs of other SRCD Committees, Caucus Chairs, SRCD members reaching out to us with input, and discussions with leaders of other associations. This decision will make it possible for us to share and advance our science in exciting new ways while making clear the priority we place on the health and safety of SRCD members and others who come to our Biennial.

We realize that these changes raise many questions and have created an FAQ section of the website to help respond.

While we are sad that we won’t be able to be together in person, we are excited by the innovations in virtual programming which will allow for a more engaging Biennial. We are confident that we can hold a historic, first-rate meeting that will advance our science, foster informal as well as formal exchanges, provide opportunities for our Committees and Caucuses to meet, and reach out in new ways to international participants.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our Meetings and Events Team at if you have additional questions. Join the Biennial conversation on Twitter using #SRCD21.

We look forward to seeing you (virtually!) next April and will be in touch with updates and requests for your input along the way.
Ellen, Nim, and Ken

Ellen Pinderhughes
Program Co-Chair

Nim Tottenham
Program Co-Chair

Ken Dodge
President, SRCD