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Cynthia García Coll, Ph.D.

Member Spotlight: Cynthia García Coll, Ph.D.

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Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Science Campus; Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor Emerita, Brown University; and Editor, Child Development in Cultural Context, Oxford University Press


Cynthia García Coll, Ph.D.
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Debbie Rivas-Drake

Member Spotlight: Debbie Rivas-Drake, Ph.D.

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Professor of Psychology and Education, University of Michigan; Secretary, SRCD Governing Council (2021)

Debbie Rivas-Drake, Ph.D.
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SRCD Members in the News: Dr. Melanie Killen

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SRCD Member Dr. Melanie Killen (Professor of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology at the University of Maryland, College Park) and her lab are featured prominently in a Washington Post column.