Oral History Project


Launched 25 years ago, the Oral History Project of SRCD is now available on this website to members of the Society as well as other interested scholars.


Interviews of major figures in the fields of child development and child psychology, as well as other related fields, are included in the collection. Each person was interviewed by someone whom he/she selected, and the recordings were then transcribed, edited for accuracy, and approved before inclusion in the collection.  Some scholars in this project are now deceased, while others are alive and well; many played key roles in the governance or service of SRCD.  There are many interviews that are in different stages of the Oral History Project. Should you have any questions please contact scholar@srcd.org

Oral History Project Poster

The transcripts in this project should be of interest for a variety of reasons, including instruction both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Scholars interested in historical roots and trends in the field and those concerned with the emergence of research, policy, and practice concerning children and families will find a wealth of informative history in these interview transcripts.  

Be sure to visit APS's Inside the Psychologist's Studio, which offers video interviews with legends in the field of psychological science. 

Mary Ainsworth:
Interview / CV
Janet Wilde Astington:
Interview / CV
Alfred Baldwin:
Kathryn E. Barnard:
Interview / CV
Harry Beilin:
Interview / CV
Richard Q. Bell:
Interview / CV
Andrew J. Biemiller:
Interview / CV
Joanna Blake:
Interview / CV
Jack Block:
Interview / CV
John Bowlby:
Interview [VIDEO] / CV
Lila Braine:
Interview / CV
Charles Brainerd:
Interview / CV
T. Berry Brazelton:
Interview / CV
Orville “Bert” Gilbert Brim, Jr.:
Interview / CV
Urie Bronfenbrenner:
Interview / CV
Wanda Bronson:
Interview / CV
Bettye Caldwell:
Interview / CV
Catherine Ann Cameron:
Interview / CV
Joan H. Cantor:
Interview / CV
Courtney Cazden:
Interview / CV
William Charlesworth:
Interview / CV
Stella Chess & Alexander Thomas:
Interview / Chess CV / Thomas CV
Joseph Church:
Interview / CV
Rachel K. Clifton:
Interview / CV
John Conger:
Interview / CV
Virginia Crandall:
Marie Skodak Crissey:
Therese Gouin Decarie:
Interview / CV
Jan de Wit:
Wolfgang Edelstein:
Interview / CV
Leon Eisenberg:
Interview / CV
Glen Elder:
Interview / CV
David Elkind:
Interview / CV
Bob Emde:
Interview / CV
Doris R. Entwisle:
Interview / CV
Leonard Eron:
Interview / CV
Norma and Seymour Feshbach:
John Flavell:
Interview / CV
James Gallagher:
Interview / CV
Norman Garmezy:
Charles Gershenson:
Jacob Gewirtz:
Interview / CV
Eleanor Gibson:
Interview / CV
Jean Berko Gleason:
Interview / CV
Susan Goldberg:
Interview / CV
Claire Golomb:
Interview / CV
Jacqueline Goodnow:
Interview / CV
Gilbert Gottlieb:
Interview / CV
Frances K. Graham:
Interview / CV
Robert Haggerty:
Marshall Haith:
William Sterling Hall:
Interview / CV
Dale Harris:
Interview / CV
Algea Harrison-Hale:
Interview / CV
Willard Hartup:
Interview / CV
E. Mavis Hetherington:
Interview / CV
Robert A. Hinde:
Interview / CV
Lois Hoffman:
Interview / CV
Alice Sterling Honig:
Interview / CV
Brian Hopkins:
Interview / CV
Frances D. Horowitz:
Original / Update / CV
Aletha C. Huston:
Interview / CV
Wendell Jeffrey:
Interview / CV
Qicheng Jing:
Interview / CV
Dale Johnson:
Interview / CV
Jerome Kagan:
Interview / CV
Tracy Kendler:
Interview / CV
John Kennell:
Interview / CV
Akira Kobasigawa:
Interview / CV
Herbert Leiderman:
Interview / CV
Robert LeVine:
Interview / CV
Michael Lewis:
Interview / CV
Lewis P. Lipsitt:
Interview / CV
Norman Livson:
Interview / CV
Ingvar Lundberg:
Interview / CV
Hugh Lytton:
Interview / CV
Eleanor Maccoby:
Interview / CV
Paula Menyuk:
Interview / CV
Klaus Minde:
Interview / CV
Patricia Minuchin:
Interview / CV
Shirley Moore:
Interview / CV
Robert & Ruth Munroe:
Interview / CV-Robert / CV-Ruth
Lois Murphy:
Lorraine Nadelman:
Edith Neimark:
Interview / CV
David Olson:
Interview / CV
Joy Osofsky:
Interview / CV
David Palermo:
Hanus & Mechthild Papousek:
Arthur Hawley Parmelee:
Interview / CV
Gerald Patterson:
Interview / CV
David R. Pederson:
Josef Perner:
Interview / CV
Herbert Pick:
Interview / CV
Harriette Pipes McAdoo:
Interview / CV
Michael L. Posner:
Interview / CV
Marian Radke-Yarrow:
Interview / CV
Harriet Rheingold:
Interview / CV
Julius Richmond:
Interview / CV
Lee Nelken Robins:
Interview / CV
Alex F. Roche:
Interview / CV
Judy F. Rosenblith:
Interview / CV
Judy F. Rosenblith:
Interview / CV
Doreen Rosenthal:
Interview / CV
Mary Rothbart:
Interview / CV
Carolyn Rovee-Collier:
Interview / CV
Sir Michael Rutter:
Interview / CV
Sandra Scarr:
Interview / CV
Heinz Rudolph Schaffer:
Interview / CV
Phil Schoggen:
Interview / CV
Ellin Scholnick:
Interview / CV
Carolyn Shantz:
Interview / CV
Alberta Engvall Siegel:
Interview / CV
Linda Siegel:
Interview / CV
Irving E. Sigel:
Interview / CV
Diana Slaughter-Defoe:
Interview / CV
M. Brewster Smith:
Interview / CV
Marilyn Smith:
Interview / CV
Keith Stanovich:
Interview / CV
Harold H. Stevenson:
Ann Streissguth:
Interview / CV
Ruby Takanishi:
Mildred Templin:
Interview / CV
Elliot Turiel:
Interview / CV
Ruth Updegraff:
Peter Vietze:
Interview / CV
John S. Watson:
Interview / CV
Emmy Werner:
Interview / CV
Mary Wright:
Interview / CV
James Youniss:
Interview / CV
Philip Roman Zelazo:
Part 1 / Part 2 / CV
Edward Zigler:
Interview / CV