2023 Nominations & Appointments FAQs


This page covers frequently asked questions on the nomination and appointment process for the following 2023 vacancies: President-Elect, Treasurer, Governing Council Members-At-Large, SRCD Committee Members, and Student and Early Career Council Representatives to Committees.



Can only SRCD members be nominated?

Membership is not required for nomination. However, any individual appointed or elected must agree to join SRCD for the duration of their term.

Does the President-Elect have to be a psychologist or in any particular field?

No, nominees do not have to be in any particular field.

Do nominees have to have had some prior committee experience (or any additional SRCD involvement) before serving in the Governing Council or as President-Elect?

No. There is no requirement that nominees will have served in any specific prior capacity. We hope that nominees will be people with the potential to be impactful leaders in the field, but leadership potential can be accrued and exhibited in a variety of ways. 

Can members serve in more than one committee at the same time?

No, but members can nominate themselves for a committee as long as they are rotating off their current committee in the subsequent term.

Can a member or chair choose to stay on after their term for an additional term?

The committee can request that a member or chair stay on, but that request must be approved by Governing Council, just like any committee appointment.

Can a junior faculty member (e.g. assistant professor) serve as a co-chair/chair?

While there is some general concern about pre-tenure workload, this does not prevent a junior faculty member from serving as chair or co-chair.


A CV and a brief statement are required to submit a nomination. Who should submit the CV and whose CV should be submitted?

Anyone can submit a CV as long as it is the nominee’s CV. (Nominators—unless they are self-nominating—should not include their CV).

Is there a word limit for the statement required to submit a nomination?


Nomination Sites:

I am not sure that my nomination was submitted successfully. How do I confirm that it went through?

Nominators should have received a confirmation email upon successfully submitting their nomination. Sometimes, these emails are snagged in spam filters, so nominators should make sure to check those folders. If no email appears, please contact scholar@srcd.org to confirm successful submission.


What happens after the nominations deadline?

After the deadline, the Nominations Committee will review all President-Elect, Treasurer, and GC Members-At-Large nominations. The committee will then deliberate and put together a slate of candidates for Governing Council’s review. Once the slate is approved in Fall 2022, SRCD staff will prepare the election platform for a November-December election period. After the voting deadline, SRCD’s Executive Director will then share the election results with the Nominations Committee who will work with the Governing Council to select the remaining (i.e. appointed) Governing Council members. Note: Committee nominations do not undergo an election process. New committee members are appointed by the Governing Council based on committee chairs’ recommendations.


If you have remaining questions, please contact scholar@srcd.org or Co-Chairs of the Nomination Committee.