Child Development Consulting Editors


The current Consulting Editors.

Consulting Editors
Ryan Adams
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Ashley Groh
University of Missouri
Brandy Randall
Oakland University
Lucia Alcala
California State University Fullerton
Michaela Gummerman
University of Plymouth
Holly Recchia
Concordia University, Montreal
Carolyn Baer
Algoma University Brampton
Linda Halgunseth
Michigan State University
Michal Reifen
IDC Herzliya
Drew Bailey
University of California, Irvine
Bridget Hatfield
Oregon State
Michael Rizzo
New York University
Melissa Barnett
University of Arizona
Jie He
Zhejiang University
Steven Roberts
Stanford University
Jannath Begum
Birkbeck University of London,
Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development
Larisa Heiphetz
Columbia University
Leoandra (Onnie) Roger
Northwestern University
Aprile Benner
The University of Texas at Austin 
Heather Henderson
University of Waterloo, Canada
Samuel Ronfard
University of Toronto 
Johanna Bick
University of Houston
Robert Hepach
Leipzig University
Amanda Rose
University of Missouri
Elma Blom
Utrecht University
Aline Hittie
University of San Fransisco
Wendy M. Rote
University of South Florida
Peter Blake
Boston University
Karla Holmboe
University of Bristol
Caroline Rowland
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Elizabeth Bonawitz
Rutgers University 
Kathryn Humphreys
Vanderbilt University
Karen Rudolph
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Natasha Bowen
Ohio State University
Andrea Hussong
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Antonio Santos
ISPA - University Institute of Psychological,
Social and Life Sciences
Sophie Choukas-Bradley
University of Pittsburgh
Virginia Huynh
California State University at Northridge
Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan
The Ohio State University
Susan Branje
Utrecht University
Feng Ji
University of Toronto
 Pamela Schuetze
Mara Brendgen
University of Quebec at Montreal
Dora Kampis
University of Copenhagen
David Schwartz
University of Southern California
Eddie Brummelman
University of Amsterdam
Margarita Kaushanskaya
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alex Shaw
University of Chicago
Rebecca Bull
Macquarie University
Karen Kehoe
University of Virginia
 Yishan Shen
Texas State University San Marcos
Aaron Buss
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Lisa Kiang
Wake Forest University
Kristin Shutts
University of Wisconsin-Madiso
Andres Bustamante
University California, Irvine
Evan Kidd
Australian National University
Jellie Sierksma
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Lucas Butler
University of Maryland
Sarah Kiefer
University of South Florida
Gintautas Silinskas
University of Jyväskylä
Tara Callaghan
St. Francis Xavier University
Deborah Laible
Lehigh University
Sandra Simpkins
University of California, Irvine
Robert Carr
Duke University
Antoinette Landor
University of Missouri
Michael R. Sladek
University of Oklahoma
Rona Carter
University of Michigan
Dan Lapsley
University of Notre Dame
Allison Skinner
University of Georgia
Kelly Cartwright
Christopher Newport University
Justin Lavner
University of Georgia
Mia Smith Bynum
University of Maryland
Margaret Caughy
University of Georgia
Kang Lee
University of Toronto
Bart Soenens
Ghent University
Lei Chang
University of Macau
Kerry Lee
The Education University of Hong Kong
Christia Spears Brown
University of Kentucky
Steven Chen
Wellesley College
Jo-Anne LeFevre
Carleton University
Gabriela Stein
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Nadia Chernyak
University of California, Irvine
Mary Lewis
Oakland University
Cara Streit
University of New Mexico
Pierina Cheung
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Xuan Li
New York University-Shanghai  
He Sun
National Institute of Education
 Antonius (Toon) Cillessen
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands 
Jeffrey Liew
Texas A&M University
Laura Taylor
University College Dublin
Robert Coplan
Carleton University
May Ling
California State University, Long Beach
Ashley Thomas
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jennifer Corpus
Reed College
Elma Lorenzo-Blanco
University of Texas
Christopher Trentacosta
Wayne State University
Lisa Crockett
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Erika Lunkenheimer
Pennsylvania State University
Brendesha Tynes
University of Southern California
Kimberly Cuevas
University of Connecticut
Yan Li
DePaul University
Amrisha Vaish
University of Virginia
Lexian CUI
New York University, Shanghai
Huijing Lu
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Marije Verhage
University of Amsterdam
Alexandra Davis
University of New Mexico
Allyson Mackey
University of Pennsylvania
Catherine Verniers
Université Paris Descartes
Hélène Deacon
Dalhousie University
Michelle Maier
Colleen Vesely
George Mason University
Eric Dearing
Boston College
Alexandra Main
University of California, Merced
Virginia Vitiello
University of Virginia
Ece Demir-Lira
University of Iowa
Julie Markant
Tulane University
Nick Wagner
Boston University
Moira Dillon
New York University 
Anna Markowitz
University of California, Los Angeles 
Yijie Wang
Michigan State University
Xuechen Ding
Shanghai Normal University
Oliver Mascaro
CNRS, Paris
Tyler Watts
Columbia University
Melanie Dirks
McGill University
Allison Master
University of Houston
Teena Willoughby
Brock University, Canada
Stacey Doan
Claremont McKenna College
Luke McGuire
University of Exeter 
Hongling Xie
Temple University
Yarrow Dunham
Yale University
Frosso Motti-Stefanidi
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Yiyuan Xu
University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Sarah Eason
Purdue University 
Adrienne Nishina
University of California, Davis
Yoko Yamamoto
Brown University
Katherine Ehrlich
University of Georgia
Sheryl Olson
University of Michigan
Fan Yang
University of Chicago
Jan Engelmann
University of California, Berkeley
Natalia A. Palacios
University of Virginia 
Heather A. Yarger
University of Maryland
Matthew Foster
University of South Florida
Heejung Park
Bryn Mawr College
Wei Quin Yow
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Nicole Gardner-Neblett
University of Michigan
Mitch Prinstein
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Xutong Zhang
East China Normal University
Heidi Gazelle
Florida State University
Yang Qu
Northwestern University
Siman Zhao
Dayton University
 Louise Goupil
University of East London
Lee Raby
University of Utah