Title IV-B


A summary of the scientific literature on the role of Title IV-B in preventing child welfare.

child policy briefs
child welfare

How This Impacts Children's Development


Title IV-B services offer a critical strategy for preventing child maltreatment. Evidence suggests that community response and differential response programs funded by Title IV-B are important initiatives in prevention. Increasing Title IV-B funds while continuing flexibility of services would expand access to preventative services and decrease the number of children experiencing maltreatment.  

READ THE BRIEF: title IV-B plays an important role in preventing child welfare system involvement, 2022

Talking Points from the SRCD Brief

  • Each year, around 7.1 million children are referred to state child welfare systems dur to alleged child maltreatment, however nearly half of them are screened out and do not receive child welfare services despite potential markers of risk. 
  • Child maltreatment is associated with a range of adverse outcomes, including physical illness and injuries, developmental delays, academic challenges, and mental health problems.  
  • Family member substance abuse, intimate partner violence (IPV), poverty, food insecurity, and housing instability are all known factors associated with increased risk for maltreatment.
  • Community Response (CR) and Differential Response (DR) programs are direct prevention and diversion programs that help to decrease involvement of Child Protective Services (CPS), reports of maltreatment/neglect, and child removals. 
    • Income support programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), child care subsidies, Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); parenting programs like home visiting; and early childhood education programs such as Head Start, Early Head Start, and Title I Child-Parent Centers have evidence to support their decrease in child maltreatment.

Policy Considerations in the Brief

  • An increase in Title IV-B funding would allow states to access additional federal funds and leverage state funds to expand preventative services.
  • Adjust the federal child welfare system such that funding is tilted towards the prevention of child maltreatment, instead of the current retroactive intervention systems.  

READ THE BRIEF: title IV-B plays an important role in preventing child welfare system involvement, 2022