Creating Child Policy Briefs
Learn how the publication is created and how to request topics.

What are Child Policy Briefs?
Child Policy Briefs are short (1-2 pages) policy briefs that summarize the child development literature to inform a current or imminent U.S. national-level policy issues. Briefs are aimed at federal-level policymakers and focus on topics that SRCD members want to engage in and that meet organizational priorities.
Similar to the Social Policy Report’s editorial guidelines, briefs will include policy considerations wherever possible (compared to more specific policy recommendations), to capture the nuance that evidence can provide policymakers.
As a nonpartisan organization, SRCD is committed to improving evidence-based policy. We hope our briefs will help policymakers understand the bounds of different decisions they are faced with and will ultimately improve the lives of children and families.
What is the Process for a Brief?
The Policy Committee’s Social Policy Subcommittee oversees Child Policy Brief publications. In partnership with the SRCD Policy Department, they select topics, determine the focus of the brief, help solicit expert reviewers, review each brief, and sign off on publication.
Coming Soon: View the Governing Plan
SRCD’s Policy Department will author briefs and manage the program. For each brief, experts on that area will be invited to provide suggestions on what literature should be summarized and to help review the briefs for accuracy.
What about RARS?
The Rapid Assessment and Response Strategy (RARS) was SRCD’s first program to issue policy briefs on member-requested topics after a policy event happened. Child Policy Briefs has replaced the RARS program, with proactive briefs that aim to forecast events coming up. We have also changed our governance, including moving the program to the Policy Committee and having SRCD staff author briefs, with experts reviewing.

Request a Brief
SRCD members can suggest topics for the Policy Committee to consider at their quarterly meetings. Members are encouraged to ensure that briefs align with SRCD’s Policy Decision Framework Criteria (appendix 1 of the Governance Plan), which was passed by the Governing Council in 2024.
For policymakers or policy influencers (e.g. advocacy organizations, intermediaries, etc.) who wish to see a topic, please email SRCD’s Policy Department at and provide your name and contact details, your organization name, the topic, why you are requesting it, and how you would utilize it. The Policy Committee’s Social Policy Subcommittee will review your request at their next quarterly meeting.