The Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA)


SRCD is a governing member of the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) and works closely with COSSA on science advocacy activities. We encourage our members to explore the science advocacy resources available.

Consortium of Social Science Associations COSSA



The Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) is a nonprofit advocacy organization working to promote sustainable federal funding for and widespread use of social and behavioral science research and federal policies that positively impact the conduct of research. COSSA serves as a united voice for a broad, diverse network of organizations, institutions, communities, and stakeholders who care about a successful and vibrant social science research enterprise. The COSSA membership includes professional and disciplinary associations, scientific societies, research centers and institutes, and U.S. colleges and universities.

SRCD members are elibible to participate in COSSA's Headline webchats.