Developmental Methodology


A 2014 SRCD Special Topic Meeting

Event Details

This meeting will advance and disseminate work at the interface of developmental science and quantitative methodology. Bringing together methodological and developmental scholars, the conference will foster discussion of how recent advances in methodology can improve our study of developmental change processes and how the unique research questions of child development motivate advancements in quantitative methodology.  This discussion will promote innovations in developmental methodology and adaptation of best methodological practices in developmental science. The conference will include broad work in areas of measurement and data collection, longitudinal design and data analysis, and other advanced methods of data analysis relevant to developmental science.  The conference will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of methodological advances and applications, as well as extensive workshops to allow attendees to expand and update their methodological skill sets through numerous keynote addresses and workshops.

Registration and Housing

Registration Type Registration Fee
Regular Member $400.00
Regular Nonmember $500.00
Student Member $195.00
Student Nonmember $270.00

Housing Information

Hilton San Diego Resort 
1775 East Mission Bay Drive
San Diego, California 9210
Tel: +1-619-276-4010

"Dear Colleagues,  

This is a quick plea both for your convenience and for the good of our community!

Please book at the Hilton San Diego Resort. Staying there not only enhances your convenience and chances to network, it also enables us to reach our contracted room-booking requirements. SRCD’s meeting expenses (and of course, ultimately, attendees’ registration fees) would be astronomical if we could not negotiate rates linked to hotel use. Financial penalties increase with each registrant who stays outside an officially contracted SRCD hotel.

Thanks for taking our collective good into account as you make your plans. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!"

Lynn S. Liben, SRCD President 

Invited Program

Keynote Speakers

Dr. D. Betsy McCoachUniversity of Connecticut

Dr. D. Betsy McCoach is an associate professor in the Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment program at the University of Connecticut. She has extensive experience in structural equation modeling, longitudinal data analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, instrument design, and factor analysis. Betsy has published over 80 journal articles, book chapters, and books, including Multilevel Modeling of Educational Data with Ann O’Connell. Her newest book, Instrument Development in the Affective Domain (3rd edition), co-authored with Robert K. Gable and John P. Madura was released in 2013. Betsy served as the founding co-editor for the Journal of Advanced Academics, and she is the current co-editor of Gifted Child Quarterly. She is also an associate editor of Frontiers in Measurement and Quantitative Psychology. Betsy is the current Director of DATIC, where she teaches summer workshops in Hierarchical Linear Modeling and Structural Equation Modeling, and she is the founder and conference chair of the Modern Modeling Methods conference, held at UCONN every May. Dr. McCoach is also the current Project Director and Principal Investigator for Project PAPER, a U.S. Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) grant that funds fellowships for Ph. D. students in measurement, evaluation, and assessment. Betsy currently serves as a Co-Principal Investigator and research methodologist on several federally funded research grants, including Project Early Vocabulary Intervention, funded by IES, and School Structure and Science Success: Organization and Leadership Influences on Student Success, funded by NSF. In addition, she has served as the Research Methodologist for the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented for the last 7 years. Betsy is the current incoming program chair of the AERA Structural Equation Modeling SIG, the chair of the Educational Statisticians SIG, and the chair of the Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development SIG. She has also served as Chair of the AERA Hierarchical Linear Modeling SIG.

Dr. Greg DuncanUniversity of California, Irvine

Greg spent the first 25 years of his career at the University of Michigan working on and ultimately directing the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data collection project. Since 1968, the PSID has collected economic, demographic, health, behavior and attainment data from a representative sample of U.S. individuals and the households in which they reside. With these and other data Greg have studied the economic mobility of the U.S. population, both within and across generations, with a particular focus on low-income families. More specifically, Greg have investigated the roles families, peers, neighborhoods and public policy play in affecting the life chances of children and adolescents. His research has highlighted the importance of early childhood as a sensitive period for the damaging influences of economic deprivation as well as for the beneficial impacts of policy-induced income increases for working families. The focus of his more recent research has shifted from these environmental influences to the comparative importance of the skills and behaviors developed during childhood. In particular, he's sought to understand the relative importance of early academic skills, cognitive and emotional self-regulation, and health in promoting children’s eventual success in school and the labor market.

Greg was elected president of the Population Association of America for 2008 and president of the Society for Research in Child Development for 2009-2011. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2001 and to the National Academy of Sciences in 2010. In 2013, Greg was awarded the Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize.

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Invited Workshops

Introducing N-Level Structural Equation Modeling (NL-SEM) using xxM
Paras Mehta, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems, Branch Materials Diagnostics IKTS-MD
3 Hour Workshop

Planned Missing Data Designs for Developmental Research
Todd Little, Texas Tech Univeristy
100 Minute Workshop

Growth Modeling Workshop: Articulating Developmental Change with Simple and Complex Growth Models
Kevin Grimm, Arizona State University and Nilam Ram, Penn State
3 Hour Workshop

Integrative Data Analysis of Longitudinal Studies: Recommended Approaches for Coordinated Analysis and Reproducible Multiple-Study Research
Scott Hofer, University of Victoria
3 Hour Workshop

What to expect when you're evaluating: The when, why, and how of program evaluation
Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, University of Connecticut
3 Hour Workshop

Simple Survival Analysis: A Primer
Margaret Keiley, Auburn University
100 Minute Workshop

Answering your Developmental Questions using Secondary Data
Pamela Davis-Kean, University of Michigan, Justin Jager, Arizona State University, and Julie Maslowsky, University of Texas-Austin
100 Minute Workshop

Advances in Survival Analysis and Event History Models with Latent Variables
Katherine E. Masyn, Georgia State Univeristy
3 Hour Workshop

Narrative Inquiry in Human Development Research
Colette Daiute, City University of New York
100 Minute Workshop

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Invited Talks

Characterizing Intraindividual Variability using Continuous Time Models: Moving Beyond Correlation and Towards Meaningful Parameters 
Pascal Deboeck, University of Kansas

Reducing Bias Due to Systematic Attrition in Longitudinal Studies: The Benefits of Multiple Imputation
 Jens Asendorpf, Humboldt University

Matters of time (lags): Why we choose the lags we do, the difference it makes, and how we can make more informed choices.
James Selig, University of New Mexico

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Invited Symposia

Expanding Dynamic Methods for Developmental Investigations
Chair: John (Jack) McArdle, University of Southern California

Little Brains: Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Study Early Functional Brain Development
Chair: Charlotte Herzmann, University of Western Ontario

Multitrait-Multimethod Measurement in Developmental Research: Model Specification and Estimation in Longitudinal Context
Chair: Keith Widaman, UC Davis

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Special Event

Junior & Senior Researchers Networking Lunch (ticketed event - purchase with registration)
Friday Sept. 12th, 12pm - 1pm
Location: Garden By the Bay (outdoor event)
Cost: $10, only 30 spaces available

Junior Researchers (Students and Early Careers) are being offered unique opportunity to meet and network with Senior Researchers in the field of Developmental Methodology. Those Junior Researchers who sign up will be grouped in sets of 5 and seated at a Senior Researchers table. Table assignments will be sent two weeks before the meeting, these will include the name of the Senior Researcher you've been assigned to. 

Past Events

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