Social Neuroscience Perspectives on Child Development


A 2015 SRCD Special Topic Meeting

Event Details
2015 SRCD Special Topic Meeting logo

This meeting focused on some of the exciting advances in developmental social and affective neuroscience, with a strong emphasis on understanding how social experiences actively shape developing neural systems in children and adolescents. The broad goals of this conference were to promote a more integrative developmental science approach to understanding social and emotional development. The conference included special sessions for students, invited keynote speakers, a symposium on the neuroscience of prosocial development, and a closing panel discussion on future directions for this exciting and rapidly growing field. 

This SRCD Special Topic Meeting was conducted in close partnership with the 3rd Annual Flux Congress: Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Flux 3 was focused on neurocognitive development and included sessions on critical periods of brain development in humans and animal models, training the developing brain, and longitudinal studies of neurocognitive development. In addition there was also a Satellite Symposium on Educational Neuroscience that was open to attendees of the SRCD meeting and the Flux Congress meeting. Both meetings took place at the Stadsgehoorzaal Theatre in the heart of the city. 

SRCD Special Topic Meeting

Invited Speakers and Panel Discussants:
Jenn Pfeifer, University of Oregon; Nikolaus Steinbeis, Max Planck Institute Leipzig; Linda Wilbrecht, University of California, Berkeley; Eva Telzer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Seth Pollak, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Nick Allen, University of Oregon; Eveline Crone, Leiden University; K. Paige Harden, University of Texas, Austin; Andrew Fuligni, University of California, Los Angeles ; Ron Dahl, University of California, Berkeley; Wouter Van den Bos, Max Planck Institute Berlin; Berna Güroğlu, Leiden University; Molly Crockett, University of Oxford; Kevin Ochnser, Columbia University

Flux Congress

Confirmed Speakers:
Nick Allen, University of Oregon; Szilvia Biro, Leiden University; Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, University College London; Silvia Bunge, University of California, Berkeley; Jessica Church-Lang, University of Texas; Eveline Crone, Leiden University; Damien Fair, Oregon Health and Science University; Hugh Garavan, University of Vermont; Judit Gervain, CNRS and Université Paris Descartes; Julia Harris, University College London; Takao Hensch, Harvard University; Renske Huffmeijer, Centre for Child and Family Studies, Leiden University; Mark Johnson, University of London; Kathrin Cohen Kadosh, University of Oxford; Lydia Krabbendam, VU University Amsterdam; Marinus van Ljzendoorn, Leiden University; Sarah Lloyd-Fox, Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, University of London; Bea Luna, University of Pittsburgh; Bruce McCandliss, Stanford University; Vinod Menon, Stanford University; Hellmuth Obrig, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences; Miriam  Schneider, Heidelberg University; Christian Tamnes, University of Oslo; Nim Tottenham, University of California, Los Angeles

Satellite Meeting: Educational Neuroscience Symposium (Speakers)

Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, University College London; Bruce McCandliss, Stanford University; and Lydia Krabbendam VU University Amsterdam.

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