2019 SRCD Supported Pre-Conferences


The 2019 SRCD Biennial Meeting, to be held March 21 - 23, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland, is preceded by pre-conferences that are supported by SRCD on topics of interest to biennial meeting attendees. Pre-conferences for the upcoming biennial will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2019.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

SRCD Supported Pre-Conferences

Political Violence and Children: Innovations in Basic Research and Intervention in World-Wide Contexts


  • E. Mark Cummings, University of Notre Dame
  • Laura Miller-Graff, University of Notre Dame
  • Anh Ha, University of Notre Dame

Time: 8:00am – 12:30pm
Location: Baltimore Convention Center - Room 331

Political violence is a burgeoning issue that has affected more than one billion children worldwide. This pre-conference seeks to provide senior and junior researchers with a new perspective on state-of-the-art translational work in conflict-affected areas.

This pre-conference is structured in two parts, beginning with a session devoted to seminal panels on the state of cutting-edge research in political violence and children, including the translation of basic research to intervention. The second portion is interactive and will allow attendees to participate in breakout groups and discuss different case studies regarding political violence and children. Junior scholars attending the pre-conference will have the opportunity to seek professional feedback on their current projects during breakout sessions designed to foster mentorships between senior researchers in the field and the selected junior researchers.

The pre-conference concludes with reflections from organizers, invited speakers, and attendees and suggestions for future directions in the field.

Other inquiries regarding this pre-conference workshop should be sent to E. Mark Cummings (ecumming@nd.edu), Laura Miller-Graff (lmiller8@nd.edu), or Anh Ha (aha@nd.edu).

Fathers are Parents too! Broadening Research on Parenting for Child Development

Sponsored by: Brigham Young University


  • Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, Ohio State University
  • Kevin Shafer, Brigham Young University
  • Natasha Cabrera, University of Maryland
  • Brenda Volling, University of Michigan
  • Eric Olofson, Wabash College

Time: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Hilton Baltimore - Peale ABC Meeting Room

Despite strong evidence that fathers make important and potentially unique contributions to children’s development, fathers are still not included regularly in research that examines the effects of parenting on children’s development, and are too often dismissed by scholars as less important than mothers or unavailable and too challenging to study. This is especially true for nonresident, low-income, and minority fathers, even though these fathers also actively contribute to their children’s positive development and wellbeing in critical ways. Moreover, even as widespread popular support for fathers’ active involvement in parenting has increased, media portrayals of fathers continue to often depict them as less competent than mothers, many health and social service providers treat them as auxiliary parental figures, and social policy continues to ignore their contributions.

The focus of this pre-conference is to bring together scholars from multiple disciplines (e.g., developmental psychology, family science, sociology, social work, public policy) and at a range of career stages (e.g., undergraduate and graduate students, early career researchers, leaders in the field) to share and discuss state-of-the-art research on fathers and fathering, and how we can best disseminate this work to influence the culture of parenting research, practice, and policy. This pre-conference will follow on the heels of a successful pre-conference to SRCD 2017 on Fathers and Families, which was well attended and received positive feedback from participants, and a recently published Child Development Perspectives article (Cabrera, Volling, & Barr, 2018) that outlines best practices in conceptualization and measurement of fathers’ parenting to further our understanding of the family contexts of children’s development. Our goal is to build successfully on the momentum created by the 2017 pre-conference and to continue to host pre-conferences on fathers and fathering at future SRCD biennial meetings.

SRCD Developmental Science Teaching Institute

Organizer: SRCD Teaching Committee

  • Judy Bryant, University of South Florida
  • Maria Wong, Stevenson University
  • Laurie Kramer, Northeastern University
  • Matt Mulvaney, Syracuse University
  • Kyle Chambers, Gustavus Adolphus College
  • Stephanie Madsen, McDaniel College
  • Stephen Asatsa, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Time: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Location: Baltimore Convention Center - Room 310
Spaces available: 175

Please join us for the Developmental Science Teaching Institute, presented by the SRCD Teaching Committee, a pre-conference to the SRCD 2019 Biennial Meeting. This day-long Teaching Institute features presentations from leading experts in the research and application of evidence-based approaches to teaching developmental science. The theme of this year’s Institute is teaching about diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Download the Teaching Institute Program.

Invited presenters include:

  • Joseph Derrick Nelson, Assistant Professor of Educational Studies, Black Studies, and Gender & Sexuality Studies. "Teaching to Transform: Fostering Curiosity and Connection in Classroom Practice"
  • B.J. Gallagher, Area Coordinator of Technology and Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, McDaniel College. “Universal Design for Learning (UDL): What it is and What it Should Look Like.
  • Rebecca Bigler, Professor of Psychology and Women’s and Gender Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. “Teaching about Racism, Sexism, and other Social Justice Issues in Developmental Courses.
  • Margaret Caughy, Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Family Health Disparities, Human Development and Family Science, University of Georgia. “Hidden Figures:  Increasing the Visibility of Developmental Scientists of Color in Undergraduate Courses.

The program includes:

  • Plenary addresses
  • Workshops
  • Roundtable discussions and idea exchanges
  • Networking opportunities
  • Poster session

The Developmental Science Teaching Institute is co-sponsored by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

Data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010–11 (ECLS-K:2011) at NCES and Data Analysis using the R Package EdSurvey


  • Jill McCarroll, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education
  • Emmanuel Sikali, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education
  • Qi Xing, American Institutes for Research

Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Baltimore Convention Center - Room 339

This course provides researchers with information about the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010–11 (ECLS-K:2011) and data analysis using the R package EdSurvey, which was developed for analyzing NCES large-scale assessment data with complex psychometric and sampling designs.

Data from the ECLS-K:2011 allow researchers to examine the relationships between a wide range of family, school, classroom, and individual characteristics and children’s development, learning, and school performance in kindergarten and across the elementary school years. EdSurvey, the free and open-source R package, provides researchers, analysts, and educators an accurate, affordable, and accessible way to analyze the ECLS-K:2011 data.

This one-day course will be a lecture format in the morning sessions with hands-on experience using the R package EdSurvey in the afternoon sessions. The course will begin with an overview of the ECLS-K:2011 study design, sample, and data collection components. After participants are familiarized with the study, the course will address working with the ECLS-K:2011’s complex data and appropriately using sample weights and estimating variance, as well as technical issues such as composite variables and missing data. Next, the participants will learn how to access the data and how to work with the Electronic Codebook (ECB). This session will also include information on how to identify the correct weights for a given ECLS-K:2011 analysis and how to find the weights in the ECB. 

In the afternoon sessions, participants will be introduced to the data software R package EdSurvey to analyze the ECLS-K:2011 data. This package is being developed to analyze NCES databases. The afternoon sessions will focus on the use of the R package EdSurvey to visualize the data and conduct descriptive or inferential analyses, such as cross-tabulation, linear regression and logistic regression using the ECLS-K:2011 data. At the end of the course, there will be an opportunity to practice analyzing data with R while the instructors are available to answer questions.

To participate in the extensive hands-on portion in the afternoon, participants MUST bring their own laptops with the latest version of R and R studio preinstalled.  Participants are also encouraged to download and install the ECLS-K:2011 ECB available at the National Center for Education Statistics website. NOTE: The ECB only works on PC operating systems. However, Mac users may still attend the training and participate in the R practice session.

Conceptualizing and measuring culture, context, race and ethnicity: A focus on science, ethics, and collaboration in the Spirit of 2044

Click for Videos and resources from this Pre-conference


  • SRCD Ethnic & Racial Issues Committee (Dawn P. Witherspoon, Gabriela Livas Stein) in collaboration with SRCD Equity &Justice Committee and SRCD Asian, Black, and Latino Caucuses

10:00 am - 4:00 pm Pre-Conference
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Spirit of 2044 Reception (4:00 pm - 4:30 pm with Zigler Policy Pre-Conference attendees)
Location: Hilton Baltimore - Holiday 4-5 Ballroom

Download the Spirit of 2044 Pre-Conference Schedule.

In 2015, the United States Census projected that by 2044, the U.S. will become a “majority-minority” country with no racial/ethnic group having a numerical majority. This shift is expected to occur for youth under the age of 18 by 2020. These demographic shifts challenge developmental scientists to examine unique and universal processes that promote the growth, thriving, and resilience of these populations in this new landscape and also take into account systems of oppression, power, privilege, racial justice and structural disadvantage. International perspectives are also critical as global patterns of immigration and migration have led to the increased diversification across the world. Building on key work done in the 1990s and 2000s (Helms et al,, 2005; Spencer & McLloyd, 1990; Garcia Coll et al., 1996; Knight et al., 2009; Spencer, 2006), this pre-conference will focus on measuring and conceptualizing “minority” populations within the context of the greater diversification of the U.S. (e.g., mono-racial/ethnic individuals as well as multiracial/ children and youth).

The goals of the pre-conference are as follows:

  1. Identify best practices in the conceptualization and measurement of race and ethnicity in developmental science at the individual and contextual levels,
  2. Stimulate a dialogue that translates to an actionable agenda designed to tackle issues of conceptualizing and measurement of key constructs associated with race/ethnicity, and
  3. Highlight key strategies for building interdisciplinary teams to conduct ethical and responsible work with diverse populations that include scholars of color.

The pre-conference will result in recommendations for scholars on how to move beyond description and achieve deeper measurement in our research across all methodologies (i.e., quantitative and qualitative). Additionally, working breakout groups will focus on critical issues in developmental science with diverse populations focusing on measurement, methodology, and ethics, and a follow-up invited salon at the biennial conference will highlight key recommendations on how to build interdisciplinary and collaborative research teams that bring the necessary expertise to tackle issues of race and ethnicity in the U.S and abroad. At the conclusion of the pre-conference, participants will have a better understanding of how we forge ahead to use and translate our scholarship to address the ethnic and racial issues of the U.S. and across the globe in the Spirit of 2044.

Speakers include: Drs. Richard Lee, Carlos Santos, Mia Smith-Bynum, Deborah Rivas-Drake, Eleanor Seaton, Gabriela Livas Stein, Niobe Way, Dawn Witherspoon, Rebecca White, Brandon Yoo, Emilie Smith, Amanda Coleman, and Lina Guzman.

2019 Zigler Policy Pre-Conference

Racial Disparities in Child and Maternal Health Outcomes: Implications for Policy, Practice, and Research

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm “Pre-Reception” with Spirit of 2044 attendees
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Zigler Pre-Conference
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Zigler Pre-Conference reception
Location: Hilton Baltimore - Holiday 6 Ballroom

The 2019 Zigler Policy Pre-Conference, honoring the memory and legacy of Dr. Edward Zigler, will focus on racial disparities in child and maternal health, with a particular focus on perinatal health outcomes. Presentations by leading health disparities researchers, practitioners, and policymakers will identify key findings and research needs and discuss the translation to local, state, and federal programs and policies which seek to decrease health disparities and improve the well-being of children and mothers. The Zigler Policy Pre-Conference is co-sponsored by the SRCD Science and Social Policy Committee, SRCD Student and Early Career Council, and the University-Based Child and Family Policy Consortium, with generous support from the University of Minnesota's Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health.

The 2019 Zigler Policy Pre-Conference will feature keynote presentations by:

  • Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, Director, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health
  • Cathy L. Costa, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, Baltimore City Health Department
  • Arline T. Geronimus, Professor of Health Behavior & Health Education and Associate Director & Research Professor, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan School of Public Health
  • Andrea K. McDaniels, award winning health reporter for The Baltimore Sun, will moderate a discussion following the keynote presentations