2019 SRCD Biennial Awardees


SRCD is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 SRCD Biennial Awards and the winners of the Inaugural SECC Student Poster Competition! Join us in congratulating the distinguished awardees at the SRCD Member Meeting and Awards Ceremony, Thursday, March 21 beginning at 5:30 pm ET in the Ballroom on Level 400 of the Baltimore Convention Center.


Distinguished Contributions Awards

The SRCD Senior Awards Committee, chaired by Governing Council member Velma McBride Murry, selected six Distinguished Award recipients..

Distinguished Contributions to Interdisciplinary Understanding of Child Development

Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas, Austin

Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas, Austin


For leading the incorporation of social demography, developmental psychology, and public health into developmental research on the effects of social inequalities and immigration on children;

For introducing developmental perspectives into the psychological and sociological processes underlying children’s social emotional, educational, and physical wellbeing;

For integrating social stratification, social structural processes, and human development within a life-course theoretical perspective to explain the developmental experiences of children.

Bruce J. Ellis, University of Utah

Bruce J. Ellis, University of Utah


For introducing models and theories—Adaptive Calibration Model, Life History and Biological Sensitivity Context Theory—as conceptual framework to guide studies of child development;

For incorporating multiple fields of research, including psychology, evolutionary developmental psychology, and behavioral and life sciences, to understanding the child developmental adaptation to stress;

For bridging many fields of science, including behavioral ecology, developmental neuroscience, molecular and behavioral genetics, and prevention science, to explain how children survive under stressful conditions.


Distinguished Contributions to Understanding International, Cultural, and Contextual Diversity in Child Development

Heidi Keller, University of Osnabrück, Germany

Heidi Keller, University of Osnabrück, Germany


For her work demonstrating, both conceptually and empirically, biological and sociocultural influences on child development;

For contributions in the advancement of cross-cultural, cultural, and indigenous psychology;

For tireless efforts advocating for the inclusion and advancement of culture and development in professional societies, including organizing international conferences to examine the cultural nature of attachment and human development.


Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Child Development

Edward Tronick, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Edward Tronick, University of Massachusetts, Boston


For elegant empirical and theoretical contributions to the understanding of the neurobehavioral, emotional, and social development of infants and young children;

For innovation in developing the “Still-face paradigm,” a standard method for studying social emotional development across multiple disciplines, including pediatrics, psychiatry, nursing, clinical, and child psychology;

For expanding the field of child development acknowledging the promise of behavioral genetics and behavioral therapeutic repair of neurological damage sustained in infancy.


Distinguished Contributions to Public Policy and Practice in Child Development

Deborah Lowe Vandell, University of California, Irvine

Deborah Lowe Vandell, University of California, Irvine


For dedicating her career to helping policy makers and program developers make evidence-based decisions about how early caregiving, in particular non-parents, affect child development;

For leading the charge in demonstrating the impact of public policy and practice in early childcare and education in the design of afterschool programs and care;

For leading the capacity-building in the scientific research informing major policy decisions in subsidizing high-quality early childcare in the United States.


Distinguished Contributions to The Society for Research in Child Development

Martha Zaslow, The Society for Research in Child Development & Child Trends

Martha Zaslow, The Society for Research in Child Development & Child Trends


For sustained, dedicated, and tireless leadership in supporting science-policy bridges to improve the lives of young people and scholars;

For mentoring decades of Policy Fellows who are pacesetters in developmental science;

For growing the policy division of SRCD with sincerity and grace, which has situated it for continued growth and impact.


Early Career Research Contributions Award

Five individuals, selected by the SRCD Early Career Award Committee, chaired by Governing Council member Michael Cunningham, will be recipients of this prestigious award, which is accompanied by an honorarium of $1,000 USD. The following five award recipients have strongly distinguished themselves as researchers and scholars, as evidenced through research, publications, and scholarly activities.

Sarah A. O. Gray, Tulane University

Sarah A. O. Gray, Tulane University


For using diverse methodologies to understand how contextual factors are associated with mother-child relationships, psychophysiology, and violence exposure in child development;

For employing strengths-based and person-centered approaches in studying sensitive parenting and physiological self-regulation in mother-child dyads among vulnerable populations;

For advancing methodologically rigorous research that improves the lives of young children and parents who have been exposed to trauma.

Larisa Heiphetz, Columbia University

Larisa Heiphetz, Columbia University


For linking children’s religious cognition and beliefs about supernatural entities to address broad questions regarding moral cognition, domain specificity, and intergroup attitudes;

For discovering that features of religious beliefs have consequences for how children and adults link religion, morality, and social groups;

For promoting an essentialist perspective in examination of how children of incarcerated parents make meaning of incarceration and the criminal justice system.

Camelia E. Hostinar, University of California, Davis

Camelia E. Hostinar, University of California, Davis


For advancing research on the pathways to resilience in children who grow up exposed to poverty-related stress;

For synthesizing evidence from human and non-human animal studies to generate a neurobiological model of how social support from close relationships might operate to dampen physiological stress responses in children and adolescents;

For integrating a social policy perspective with her research by translating research to policy settings, presenting to diverse audiences, and mentoring underrepresented scholars.

Matthew D. Lerner, Stony Brook University

Matthew D. Lerner, Stony Brook University


For using integrative methodologies from human development, developmental psychopathology, and social neuroscience to address complex questions about social competence;

For reframing thinking, developing empirically-based interventions, and evaluations methods in advancing the knowledge on children with Autism Spectrum Disorders;

For advancing one of the first developmental, process-based models of friendship development among youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Jennifer Silvers, University of California, Los Angeles

Jennifer Silvers, University of California, Los Angeles


For advancing knowledge on the developing social brain and emotional reactivity by highlighting how the dorsal and lateral prefrontal cortices play critical roles in regulating negative affect;

For translating the results of her emotional reactivity and regulation research to real life challenges such as reducing the rates of childhood obesity in the US;

For advancing methodologically rigorous lifespan research that improves the understanding of the developing brain in both laboratory and applied settings.


Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award

The SRCD Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee, chaired by Governing Council member Rashmita Mistry, selected four recipients to receive this award, which is accompanied by a $500 USD honorarium. Selection was based on a set of criteria, including the quality of the dissertation, publications emerging from the project, and the nominee’s current position and engagement in the field of child development research.

Fiorella L. Carlos Chavez, University of Missouri

Fiorella L. Carlos Chavez, University of Missouri


For her mixed-methods dissertation investigating Latino emancipated migrant farmworker youths’ experiences and psychosocial adjustment.

Adam D. Fine, Arizona State University

Adam D. Fine, Arizona State University


For his multi-study, multi-method dissertation examining adolescents’ perceptions of the justice system and legal socialization.

Lisa B. Hurwitz, Northwestern University

Lisa B. Hurwitz, Northwestern University


For her multi-study dissertation assessing the impacts of early educational media use on children’s emergent and long-term literacy outcomes.

Judith C. Scott, Boston University

Judith C. Scott, Boston University


For her culturally-embedded dissertation examining the links between physical discipline and mental health outcomes for African American children.


2019 Inaugural SECC Student Poster Competition

Undergraduate and graduate students with the top-scoring posters were invited to participate in SRCD's Student and Early Career Council's inaugural Student Poster Contest. Students submitted brief video presentations along with their posters for consideration. These undergraduate and graduate school winners received a complimentary 1-year SRCD membership:

Graduate Students

  • Emilie Berkhout, Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development
  • Liwei Zhang, New York University
  • Fenne Bodrij, Leiden University

Undergraduate Students

  • Amanda Flagg, University of Delaware
  • Grace Yun, Northeastern Illinois University
  • Molly Kuehn, University of Notre Dame