Attn SRCD Members: We need your input on Open Science, inclusivity and more (SURVEY CLOSED)
The deadline for the 2019 SRCD Member survey has passed.
Dear SRCD Members,
As Summer 2019 comes to a close, the Society for Research in Child Development is looking ahead to new opportunities to help guide our planning for the next several years. We’d like to hear your opinions on how SRCD should be addressing the Open Science movement, new ideas for the 2021 Biennial Meeting, support for students and early career researchers, and SRCD’s inclusivity efforts.
We truly value your opinions and input on these important priorities for the Society and invite you to participate in the survey which will take less than ten minutes to complete.
The survey will remain open until 5:00pm ET, Friday, September 13, 2019.
We are interested in any additional observations you have about any matter pertaining to SRCD. Please email Ken at and/or Laura at
Thank you,
Kenneth Dodge, President, SRCD and Laura L. Namy, Executive Director, SRCD