Best Wishes for a Joyful Holiday Season


A Message from Nancy E. Hill, SRCD President.

Chalk drawing of globe surrounded by figures holding hands bordered with lights and text:Best Wishes for a Joyful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year, SRCD

Dear SRCD Members,

As the year 2021 comes to a close and the December holidays are upon us, I find myself reflecting on the joys and challenges of the preceding year. While it is tempting to dwell on the challenges – and a quick scroll through the media illustrates just how varied and deep those are – I'm finding points of hope and inspiration in the midst. It has been a joy to serve SRCD as president. It has given me an insider’s view of the dedication you bring to your work. 

I am in awe of your commitment to the developmental sciences, to improving policies and practices, and ultimately improving children’s lives. In these unprecedented times, you continue to use the tools of our science to bring new insights and understanding on how children develop and the ways that they are simultaneously fragile and resilient, the ways children are full of wonder and curiosity and also anxious and oppressed, and the ways that society serves children well, and the ways in which we can be more empathic and do more.  

The wealth of your work was evident in our meetings, workshops, and publications. Under Ellen Pinderhughes and Nim Tottenham’s innovative leadership, we hosted a successful VIRTUAL Biennial Meeting. Even through my computer screen the Biennial Meeting was dynamic and engaging. Our journals are receiving record breaking numbers of submissions. Thank you to our tireless editors (Glenn Roisman, Lynn Liben, Judi Smetana, and Ellen Wartella). Our workshops and webinars are giving voice to members and integrating our science and current issues. Our science is alive and vibrant.

I am humbled by the dedication of the SRCD staff who work tirelessly to deepen the impact of developmental science and build the capacity and infrastructure that fosters a stronger and more inclusive developmental science. This year, we welcomed Saima Hedrick, as Executive Director, who has brought a wealth of experience and good humor. We welcomed Leher Singh to the senior leadership team as Director for Science Affairs. The SRCD staff have both risen to the challenges of our time and brought joy to their work. 

As we pause for the holidays, I am looking forward to spending time with my family, hugging them tighter because we have been apart, and reflecting on the ways we have been blessed. I hope that you too find time to reflect and be inspired.

Nancy E. Hill headshot
Nancy E. Hill
SRCD President