Call for Applications: 2022 Patrice L. Engle Dissertation Grant for Global Early Child Development


The Patrice L. Engle Dissertation Grant provides support for junior students interested in a career in global early child development who are from or doing research in low- or middle-income countries. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2022.


Patrice L. Engle, Ph.D. (1944-2012) was a pioneer and leader in global early child development. She worked to ensure that children throughout the world received the health care, nutrition, nurturance, and early learning opportunities they needed to be successful. Recognizing that disparities early in life (even before birth) often interfere with children’s ability to reach their developmental potential, she sought to evaluate and identify effective intervention programs that could be integrated with other systems and scaled up. Pat’s contributions included hands-on programmatic work with field staff, scholarly analyses with interdisciplinary colleagues, and advocacy with country-level policy makers.

The best legacy to Pat is to ensure that junior scholars are well trained in the science-to-policy model that guided her work in global early child development. The Patrice L. Engle Dissertation Grant provides support for junior scholars interested in a career in global early development how are from or doing research in low-or-middle-income countries.

The grant includes $5,000 to support dissertation research and a 2-year student membership to SRCD. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2022. Questions? Please contact Maureen Black via email at

Read more about eligibility and selection criteria 

read about the 2021 awardees