Call for Applications: Transdisciplinary Multi-Sector Collaboration Research Seed Grants


The submission deadline for the 2023 Transdisciplinary Multi-Sector Collaboration Research Seed Grants has passed.


SRCD is pleased to announce three $10,000 grants, co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association, to support research that is aligned with the goals of SRCD’s Presidential Special Topic Meeting: Towards Holistic Developmental Science: Catalyzing Transdisciplinary Multisector Collaborations to Understand and Support Human Development. These funds will be dedicated to supporting researchers in developing new cross-cutting, transdisciplinary collaborations that diversify and transform the research process.  

As a benefit to attending SRCD’s Presidential Special Topic Meeting between September 29 and October 1, 2022, scholars can apply for one seed grant which is intended to foster collaboration and support transdisciplinary work in the field of child development. Non-renewable grants of up to $10,000 USD are available on a competitive basis for all conference attendees regardless of appointment, rank, institution, or country of residence. Proposals must demonstrate how the project is both transdisciplinary and multisector, tying into the themes of the conference.  

The funding priorities for these grants include a proposed project that: 

  • Demonstrates commitment to transdisciplinary and multisector work, 
  • Engages with a community partner, 
  • Furthers SRCD’s strategic goals

2023 Call for Submissions 

Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria 

Applicants must have attended SRCD’s Presidential Special Topic Meeting. Proposals are welcome from eligible applicants regardless of the nature of the appointment (faculty, post-doc, research scientist, etc.), type of institution, or country of residence, provided that the employer has the infrastructure to oversee fund dispersal and IRB/IACUC (or equivalent) review if applicable. We especially encourage applications from those based in international institutions and/or those who are conducting research in under-represented countries.  

SRCD will be recognizing awardees at the 2023 Biennial Meeting; hence, if awarded a seed grant, applicants must be dedicated to attending the Meeting in order to foster connections with other awardees, share working project goals, and continue to generate ideas.  Awarded funds may be used to support conference attendance. 

Proposal materials 

  • Application Form  
  • Project Narrative (PDF or Microsoft Word). Criteria include: 
    • A limit of 1000 words, excluding references, 
    • Overview of research question, motivation, and hypotheses, 
    • Description of method or approach and proposed analysis plan, 
    • Timeline of proposed research activities (up to two years) including dedication to attend SRCD’s 2023 Biennial Meeting
    • Anticipated impact of the grant (e.g., pilot data for a grant proposal, publishable manuscript, placement or promotion of the applicant), and 
    • Relevance of proposed activity to SRCD’s strategic goals. 
  • 500-word description of community partners that make this project transdisciplinary and multisector (PDF or Microsoft Word). 
  • 500-word response explaining how the proposed project is transdisciplinary and multisector (PDF or Microsoft Word).  
  • Itemized budget and budget justification (PDF or Microsoft Word) 
    • Please list each budget item with an accompanying explanation about how the budget expense (item per item) will be used to help with the completion of the project. Be sure to justify all expenses (no minimum, maximum of $10,000 USD). Also, please provide any other sources of funding for this project. 
    • Note regarding budget: The award may be used to support expenses that are directly needed for the completion of the project, including: 
      • Participant incentives, 
      • Equipment needed for data collection and purchase of measures, 
      • Integrated reviews, 
      • Travel for data collection, partner collaboration, and conference attendance to disseminate research findings.  
    • All expenses must be justified as needed for the completion of the project. Please also be aware that SRCD does not pay for indirect costs associated with institutions. 
  • CV or Resume (PDF or Microsoft Word) 
    • CVs or Resumes are required for every Principal Investigator (PI). At least one PI must have attended the SRCD Presidential Special Topic Meeting, Towards a Holistic Developmental Science.  

All components of the proposal package must be submitted through the application portal for the proposal to be reviewed.  

The deadline for submissions has passed.

For inquiries, please contact Ravenel Davis at