Call for Chapter Proposal Abstracts



SRCD members and other interestered scholars are invited to submit a chapter proposal abstract for a forthcoming book, Child and Adolescent Exposure to Online Risks, to be published by Elsevier in 2019. The book is described below. After reading the description, including the brief asterisked (*) descriptions of sections #2, #3, and #4 which are primary destinations for proposed chapters, please go to the directions for writing the abstract proposal.

Child and Adolescent Exposure to Online Risks

Purposes of the book. To date considerable attention or, in some cases alarm, has been given to the risks and consequences of the online experience for children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 18. Online risks might include, but are not limited to, cyberbullying, technology overuse, online pornography, cyberstalking, identity theft or misrepresentation, and online predators.  While consideration has been focused on a broad variety of online risks and outcomes for both children and adolescents, little attention has been given to the following: 1) the utility of an ecological perspective of online risk (i.e., individuals experiencing the internet in such contexts as family, peer group or school), as an effective strategy for understanding determinants of the risk of the online experience (e.g., cyberbullying, overuse of the internet, internet addiction); 2) the psychological and behavioral consequences of online risks for young children and adolescents (e.g., depression, suicidal ideation); 3) special populations (e.g., disabled youth, LGBT youth) and the online experience, including risks, consequences and recommended intervention; and 4) developing effective and sensitive interventions and policies for children and adolescents, with attention to individual and contextual factors.

Possible chapter topics. Please visit this link to view some possible chapter topics. These topics are suggestions and are not an exhaustive list.

Organization of the book:

  1. Introduction (written by the editors). The first section will focus on introducing the topic by discussing an overview of online risks, a discussion of why considering online risks is important, and a discussion and overview of the individual and contextual factors that are associated with online risk involvement, with reference to the chapters in sections. The section will also include theoretical considerations and prevalence of online risks.
  2. * Types of online risk. Chapters in this section will discuss different types of online risk (e.g., cyberbullying, cybergrooming, online hate speech), with a detailed discussion of research on primary determinants of the risk, psychological and behavioral consequences, and the key contexts which have a prominent role as settings for these risks, and some recommendations for reducing those risks.
  3. * Special populations and online risk. Chapters in this section will be similar to those in the second section, except that chapters in this section will address online risks among special populations (e.g., disabled  youth, LGBT youth).
  4. * Interventions and policies. The fourth section will include chapters which discuss interventions and/or policies for preventing or remediating the child/adolescent outcomes of an online risk, including a discussion of existing evaluations, if available, and/or, theories and research which might support proposed interventions or policies.  
  5. Concluding comments (written by the editors). The fifth section provides concluding remarks about online risks, recommendation and intervention.

Directions for a book chapter proposal abstract:

  1. Abstract length—no more than 600 words.
  2. Select a book section destination (sections #2, #3 or #4) for your abstract, writing the abstract consistent with the section description above.
  3. As necessary, clarify specific foci or emphases in your discussion of an online risk, e.g., if you need to focus on a dimension or dimensions of a selected online risk, including review of existing research; if you are focusing on children or on adolescents, or both; or any other focus/emphasis.
  4. Submit abstracts as a single-spaced, 12 font size, WORD document.
  5. The deadline for an abstract is January 10, 2019 January 10, 2019. (Individuals needing approval for extended time to respond should contact the editors as soon as possible). The deadline for the completed chapter is April 30, 2019. Full chapters should be between 6000 and 10000 words.
  6. Decisions on the abstract will be sent to authors by February 10, 2019. Please email the abstract (and the completed chapter, when ready) to and to
  7. The book is expected to be finalized by October 30, 2019. If you have any questions about potential chapter ideas, please feel free to email the editors at and

Feel free to share this call with others who might be interested.

Michelle F. Wright, Ph.D.
Research Associate, Department of Psychology
Pennsylvania State University and Masaryk University

Lawrence B. Schiamberg, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Human Development & Family Studies
Michigan State University