Call for Nominations: Co-Editors of Child Development Journal


The nomination deadline EXTENDED to Thursday, February 29, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. ET.


The Publications Committee of the Society for Research in Child Development is conducting an international search for two co-editors-in-chief of SRCD's flagship journal Child Development to succeed Shauna Cooper, whose editorial term will end with the 2025 volume. The significant increase in the volume of submissions to Child Development necessitates the appointment of two co-editors-in-chief. The search committee is interested in editors with innovative ideas, vision, and leadership who will continue to expand the journal’s high impact and visibility. Important qualifications for the new editors include the following:

  1. The ability to work as a team with a co-editor.
  2. Breadth of knowledge of the multiple disciplines represented in the Society.
  3. Recognition of the significance of diverse methodological approaches, including, but not limited to, qualitative methods.
  4. Knowledge of developmental science and childhoods around the world.
  5. Appreciation for the importance of diversity and inclusion in the field.
  6. A significant record of publications.
  7. Willingness to take risks to include work that diverges from the status quo.
  8. Progressive ideas about the future course of the journal and the field.

The search committee is especially interested in candidates who will enhance the journal’s contributions to the pursuit of SRCD’s strategic plan, such as the advancement of developmental science, integration of diversity, etc. Child Development editors have the freedom to implement their vision for the journal and guide the journal in innovative ways. Prior editorial and/or managerial experience is essential. The editorship requires a substantial time commitment, has a term of six years, and includes an honorarium. The appointees will become incoming co-editors-in-chief on January 1, 2025; their first volume of Child Development will be published in 2026.

Submissions should include the following:

  1. One-page editorial statement on prior relevant experiences and vision for the journal
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Nomination statement (including self-nominations) detailing qualifications of the nominated person


Application deadline has been EXTENDED to Thursday, February 29, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. ET. The nominator and the nominee should work together to complete the application, and only complete applications will be considered by the search committee. Candidates can indicate an interest in working with other nominees as co-editors-in-chief in their applications, but are not required to do so. All questions should be sent to W. Quin Yow (, the chair of the Child Development editor search committee.

A note on applying: SRCD’s submission management platform has changed. If you have not created a new account since August 2023, please use the link below to create an account prior to completing the application. If you have questions, please reach out to