Call for Nominations: Editor-In-Chief Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development


The nomination deadline has passed.


SRCD is soliciting nominations, including self-nominations, for the position of Editor-In-Chief of Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, a distinctive publication in developmental science that provides a long-form platform to publish in-depth, conceptually rich, and empirically distinguished work. Monographs, published since 1935, is a highly respected serial publication with a current impact factor of 9.5. Issues of Monographs often become foundational and definitive resources for scholars in a wide range of disciplines, and for a general audience, including teachers, clinicians, and policy makers. SRCD is seeking an Editor who has broad interests that span a wide range of topics and disciplines represented by the Society, who can articulate a strong vision for how Monographs might evolve within the changing publication environment, who can implement SRCD publication policies to developmental science (e.g., scientific integrity, antiracism), and who has a significant record of scholarship and editorial experience.

Given the length and depth of each issue of Monographs, the role of the Editor is somewhat unique. The Editor not only evaluates author-generated submissions, but also envisions and solicits manuscripts that advance the overall editorial mission and works collaboratively with authors while they are developing their manuscripts (e.g., provides broad feedback on work in progress). In addition, the Editor works with authors and SRCD staff to produce Monograph Matters, an innovative web-based forum for invited commentaries, videorecorded author interviews, and various teaching and research resources to accompany each issue of Monographs. SRCD provides an honorarium to the Editor, staff to assist with the editorial submission and review process, and most copyediting. Currently, the Editor selects an associate editor specifically to help with Monograph Matters; nominees for the position may wish to propose a different structure consistent with their editorial vision for the journal.

The new editorial term will ideally begin 7/14/2024 and end 7/14/2030 to afford some overlap with the outgoing editor.  To self-nominate, please send a current CV and a description of relevant past experience, and a brief letter (under 2 pages) explaining your interest in editing Monographs that also addresses the promises and challenges of implementing SRCD’s policies on scientific integrity and antiracism. To nominate another person, please send the nominee’s CV and a brief letter (under two pages) explaining why you believe the nominee is well-qualified, including information about relevant experience if available. Preliminary screening of nominees by the search committee will be conducted by 2/15/2024, and a short-list of nominees will be asked to prepare more detailed statements about their vision for the journal soon thereafter. Based on reviews of material and interviews, the Monographs-Editor Search Committee will make its recommendations to the Publication Committee and Governing Council in May.

View Monograph Procedures and Nominate

(Please note that nominators must create a new account before submitting nominations. Nominators do not need to be SRCD members)

To self-nominate, please submit a current CV and a letter (two-page maximum) describing relevant past experience and what makes you interested in seeking the Monographs Editor role. 

To nominate a colleague, please send the nominee’s CV and a brief letter (two-page maximum) explaining why you believe the nominee is well-qualified, including information about their relevant past experiences and qualifications if available. 

All questions about procedures, as well as inquiries about the editorship itself, should be sent to the Chair of the search committee, Gabriela Livas Stein.