Call for Nominations: Editor of Child Development Perspectives


The nomination deadline has passed.


SRCD is soliciting nominations, including self-nominations, for the Editor of Child Development Perspectives (CDP). The new Editor’s term begins on 6/15/2024 and ends 6/15/2028. Child Development Perspectives (CDP) publishes brief, well-synthesized reviews of research, typically focusing on emerging and novel lines of inquiry in developmental science. Papers are written to be accessible and informative to the broad developmental community. Papers are welcome from all fields that inform contemporary developmental science. CDP publishes both commissioned and unsolicited articles. As a quarterly journal, CDP publishes about 35 articles per year, with an approximate acceptance rate of 27%. 

Important Qualifications for Editor of CDP

  1. Broad knowledge of areas and interests and appreciation for interdisciplinary scholarship, as represented in SRCD.
  2. A significant record of publication, scholarly achievement, and editorial experience.
  3. A strong commitment to and significant track record of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in developmental science, as evidenced in scholarly work, editorial services, and leadership experiences.
  4. Evidence of skill in communicating developmental science to diverse audiences, including the translation of science to policy and practice.
  5. An engaging vision for the continued evolution of CDP.

Key Responsibilities of Editor for CDP

  1. Implementing the vision articulated to the SRCD Publications Committee during the selection process.
  2. Implementing the SRCD Sociocultural Policy and Statement on Anti-racism, Equity, and Inclusion in the journal.
  3. Ensuring the integrity of the scientific review process.
  4. Communicating with SRCD Executive Director and Director of Science Affairs about author-related conflicts of interest.
  5. Using ScholarOne for accurate record keeping of all manuscript-related communications and decisions.  

In addition to an honorarium, SRCD provides a managing editor, staff to process submissions and manuscripts, and a style editor to help ensure that manuscripts are clear and accessible. 

Nomination procedures

View Nomination procedures
(Please note that nominators must create a new account before submitting nominations. Nominators do not need to be SRCD members)

To self-nominate, please submit a current CV and a letter (one-page maximum) describing relevant past experience and what makes you interested in seeking the CDP Editor role. 

To nominate a colleague, please send the nominee’s CV and a brief letter (one-page maximum) explaining why you believe the nominee is well-qualified, including information about their relevant past experiences and qualifications if available. 

The nomination deadline has passed.

Selection process and timeline

The CDP Editor Search Committee (Qing Zhou/Chair, Esther Calzada/GC Representative, Rebecca White/Interim Editor of CDP, Antoinette M Landor, and Linda Halgunseth) will conduct preliminary screening of nominees shortly after the nomination deadline. A short-list of nominees will be asked to prepare more detailed statements about their vision for the journal soon thereafter. The committee will conduct virtual interviews of selected nominees in February-March 2024. Based on reviews of material and interviews, the search committee will make its recommendations to the Publications Committee and Governing Council in April-May of 2024.