Call for Proposals: The Jean Piaget Society Dissertation Prize


Posted on behalf of the Jean Piaget Society


Dear Piaget Society Members and Friends:

The Jean Piaget Society Dissertation Prize consists of a very generous $2000, plus meeting reasonable travel expenses. The Prize recipient will present an address based upon her or his dissertation at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (28–30 May 2020).

The prize will be given to the submission that best continues the spirit of Piaget— a study grounded in a firm knowledge of, but not limited to, the work of Piaget and Inhelder. Any doctoral dissertation completed within the preceding 24 months from the submission date originating from any country, from psychology, philosophy, education, history of science, evolutionary biology or related fields that concerns the topic of knowledge and its development will be considered. Empirical work, rigorous demonstrations of educational methods, epistemology, historical analysis of ideas, evolutionary theory or explorations of Piaget and Inhelder’s theory, including the process theory, are some examples of the topics that may be submitted. The quality of the work will be paramount: the work need not have originated from the point of view of Piagetian theory, but knowledge of the theory should be demonstrated in the winning submission, to help explain how the work furthers the ongoing study of the interdependence of knowledge and development.

The mission of the prize is not to look backwards but to promote exciting new discoveries from dissertations in many countries and disciplines, continuing a tradition that reverberates in many rich and surprising ways.

In order to apply for the prize, a candidate must submit an application and simultaneously submit a proposal to present their research at the upcoming Jean Piaget Society annual meeting. Evaluation of prize applications proceeds in tandem with evaluation of conference proposals. Prize applicants must still submit to the conference separately. The finalists and winner must present to receive the award. Complete eligibility and submission rules can be found at

Finalists are chosen blind to author, institution, mentor, gender, ethnicity and country. Winners are verified and chosen from finalists. Applicants are limited to current members of the Society, but of course, we hope that they take this opportunity to become new and perhaps lifelong members of JPS!

Questions concerning the process should be directed to Judith Smetana, Chair of the JPS Prize Committee, at

Deadline for submission is the same as that for conference submissions: 12/15/19. Watch your email for the Call for Proposals.

Professors: You are a critical conduit for passing information to applicants. Please encourage your eligible students to apply so that we can recognize and reward your students’ insightful work on the study of knowledge and development! The prize is in addition to reasonable travel costs.

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