Child Development Special Section: The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Development around the World




As of September 2021, over 230 million people have been infected by COVID-19 worldwide. Children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, with limited access to digital resources, from families in which there are mental health and addiction issues and those from low-and-middle-income countries have been the most impacted. As the Delta variant continues to surge, it’s important now more than ever to highlight the pandemic’s influence on children.  

Today, the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) released a Child Development Special Section focusing on the impact of COVID-19 on child development around the world. 

“This Special Section documents the impact of the pandemic on children, youth, and families around the world and, in so doing, suggests strategies to support child development during these exceptional times,” said Glenn I. Roisman, editor of Child Development and a Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the Institute of Child Development 

Articles in this Special Section will be free-to-read for three months on the Wiley Online Library. For additional information, or interviews with authors, please contact SRCD Media Relations and Communications Manager, Jessica Efstathiou:, 202-800-3255.

The Society for Research in Child Development advances the developmental sciences and promotes the use of developmental research to improve human lives.