Congratulations to the 2022-2023 SRCD U.S. Policy Fellows

2022-2023 SRCD U.S. Policy Fellows
The 2022-2023 SRCD Policy Fellows at the SRCD Office, August 2023

The SRCD U.S. Policy Fellows, class of 2022-2023, presented their year-end Capstone presentation at the SRCD headquarters in Washington, D.C. this week. Fellows have been embedded in state and federal agencies as well as U.S. Congress since September 2022. At the Capstone, they shared what they have worked on and their reflections from the year. There were common themes, such as how Fellows used their developmental science skills when policy moves faster than research, how to break down silos, how to build relationships to engage communities and improve policy, and the commitment and hard work Fellows observed of the civil servants in their placements. Around half of this year's class will continue their placements for a second year, while we say farewell to the others, many of whom are going on to work in policy-relevant roles. We are grateful to our Fellows and our funders who supported this work, including the Administration for Children and Families and the Heising Simons Foundation. Congratulations, class of 2022-2023!