February 2021 U.S. Federal Funding Opportunities


U.S. Federal Funding Opportunities (FFO) is a monthly resource that summarizes awards, grants, and fellowship opportunities issued by the U.S. government related to research, evaluation and dissemination. These funding opportunities are relevant to the field of child development and, more broadly, behavioral and social science research.


Highlights -

The February 2021 FFO lists over 100 funding opportunities for research, evaluation, and dissemination, including multiple highlighted funding opportunities.

(1) A U.S. Department of Education funding opportunity to provide financial aid grants to students (including students exclusively enrolled in distance education), which may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus. Applications are due by April 15, 2021. 

(2) A Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) funding opportunity to support studies that will lead to a broad understanding of the natural history of disorders that already do or could potentially benefit from early identification by newborn screening. Applications are due by June 5, 2021.

(3) A National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding opportunity to support research that seeks to explain the underlying mechanisms, processes, and trajectories of social relationships and how these factors affect outcomes in human health, illness, recovery, and overall wellbeing. Applications are due by March 17, 2021.