June 2019 Federal Funding Opportunities


Federal Funding Opportunities (FFO) is a monthly resource that summarizes awards, grants, and fellowship opportunities issued by the U.S. government. These funding opportunities are relevant to the field of child development and, more broadly, behavioral and social science research.


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This month’s FFO highlights eight different Institute of Education Sciences funding opportunities. In awarding these grants, the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) intends to provide national leadership in expanding knowledge and understanding of (1) developmental and school readiness outcomes for infants and toddlers with or at risk for a disability, (2) education outcomes for all learners from early childhood education through post secondary and adult education, and (3) employment and wage outcomes when relevant (such as for those engaged in career and technical, post secondary, or adult education. The Institute’s National Center for Education Research (NCER) will hold a total of five competitions. The Institute’s National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) will hold a total of three competitions. The application package will be available on July 11, 2019. For all but one competition, completed applications are due by August 29, 2019. CFDA 84.305C Education Research and Development Centers has a deadline of September 26, 2019. Click here for more information, including individual CFDA numbers and descriptions of each competition.