Mathematica @ 50: At the Intersection of Data Science and Social Science


The proliferation of new digital data sources and the development of new programming languages that can quickly make sense of these data are changing the nature of how policymakers, practitioners, and the general public understand when government works—and what to do when it doesn’t.

Many established social science researchers initially scoffed at the idea that their computer science colleagues could find meaningful ways to harness big data for the public good, but more and more data scientists are doing just that.

Join APPAM and Mathematica for this important forum on the road ahead for data and social science, how to communicate more effectively when the lanes merge, and what this all means for uncovering insights to better-informed policies and programs that improve public well-being.

Date: Thursday, September 13, 11:00am-12:30pm ET

For more information, registration, and webcast, visit the Mathematica website.