Mentoring 101: How to Get What you Need and Thrive in the Academy


[Virtual Workshop] May 10, 2022 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm ET [POSTPONED]


This event has been postponed. New dates coming soon.


The SRCD Quad Caucuses (AsianBlackLatinx, and SOGIE) are planning a series of mentoring events in 2022 geared towards minoritized/traditionally-excluded student, post-doc, and early career faculty members.

The first event will be held on May 10, 2022 from 2pm – 4pm Eastern: Mentoring 101: How to Get What You Need to Thrive in the Academy. This virtual workshop will be led by Dr. Anthony Ocampo, Filipino American Sociologist, Author, and Educator and produced by the National Council of Faculty Diversity and Development. 

Open to SRCD members of minoritized groups. Participants do not need to be affiliated with one of the caucuses to register.  

Registration is closed.

Questions? Please contact Linda Juang at