Now Accepting Applications for the 2021 Victoria S. Levin Award (up to $25,000 award)

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SRCD is now accepting applications for the 2021 Victoria S. Levin Award for Early Success in Young Children’s Mental Health Research. The award honors the distinguished service of Victoria S. Levin and aims to foster early career success in achieving federal funding for research informed by developmental science that addresses concerns affecting the foundations of children’s mental health. The Victoria S. Levin Award provides up to $25,000 to pre-tenured, early-mid-career investigators and includes:

  1. Supported release time from duties during which time the awardee writes and submits an application in the area of early childhood mental health to the NIH.
  2. Travel funds for a trip to NIH to meet program staff.
  3. Pre-review of the application. The opportunity to hire a distinguished scientist to review the application in advance of submission to NIH heightens the chances of early success.

Dr. Kate Guastaferro from Pennsylvania State University, recipient of the 2020 Victoria S. Levin Award offers her advice for interested applicants: To be a successful applicant, and to maximize all that the Levin Award has to offer, it is important that you have a clear vision for your research. The year of protected time goes fast, so it is in your best interest to think ahead two or three steps. I think it is also imperative to have a mentor who understands the value of the protected time afforded by the Award and provides resources to ensure your success.”

Applications are due October 1, 2021 by 11:59pm Eastern. For questions, please contact

View Eligibility and Submission Requirements