Request for Applications: Simons Foundation 2019 Novel Outcome Measures in ASD


Grants awarded through this request for applications are intended to develop and validate outcome measures that are suitable for use in intervention studies that target the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Such measures should provide objective data with strong psychometric properties, be scalable for use in large, multisite studies, not be unduly burdensome to participants and families, and have evident clinical relevance. They would ideally capture naturalistic rather than laboratory behavior and be applicable to subjects across a wide range of ages and levels of functioning.

We expect to fund several awards through this mechanism. The maximum budget is $300,000 per year, including indirect costs, for up to three years. Higher budgets will be considered, but such budgets must be strongly justified. Please visit the Simons Foundation website for full application requirements, important dates, and eligibility.

Webex Informational Sessions:
January 25, 2019, 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET
January 29, 2019, 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET

Notice of Intent Due February 15, 2019
Full Applications Due March 1, 2019

To apply, please visit the ProposalCentral submission site.

For more information, please visit the Simons Foundation Website.