SRCD State Policy Fellow Portfolio Abstracts: Alicia Miao, Ph.D.


2018-2019 State Policy Post-doctoral Fellow at the Early Learning Division (ELD), Oregon Department of Education


Portfolio Entry 1: Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG)

Project Overview:

Background: The federal government posted a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for states to apply for a Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG), a 12-month grant involving strategic planning and a needs assessment, as well as additional activities related to maximizing parental choice and knowledge, sharing best practices among early childhood care and education (ECE) providers, and improving overall ECE quality.

Goal: To write a successful application for the state of Oregon to secure funding for a Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG).

Contributions of Fellow:

  • Engaged in Technical Assistance meeting to gather information and support grant writing and grant application.
  • Contributed to grant application narrative, activities, and timeline.
  • Prepared drafts for the needs assessment budget, evaluation plan, and logic model.

Activity Focus Keywords: Grant Application Development
Policy Area Keywords: Preschool Development Grant B-5

Portfolio Entry 2: Researcher-Practitioner Partnership for Preschool Improvement (PPI) Data System

Project Overview:

Background: The agency administers two separate federally- and state-funded preschool programs, which do not have data systems in place to collect aligned data.

Goal: Through a Researcher-Practitioner Partnership for Preschool Improvement (PPI) grant, create a data system which is aligned across both preschool programs that will improve the agency’s ability to utilize classroom quality observational data in an evidence-based fashion to support continuous quality improvement (CQI).

Contributions of Fellow:

  • Created a data system in collaboration with agency staff.
  • Coordinated data collection between multiple state regional partners.
  • Managed and analyzed data.
  • Ensured sustainability of the data system by adjusting data elements and protocols to fit longer-term agency needs.
  • Contributed to report to funders.

Activity Focus Keywords: Data Collection, Administrative Data, Data Analysis, Data Management System, Written Report
Policy Area Keywords: Continuous Quality Improvements (CQI), Pre-kindergarten (Pre-K), Head Start, State-Funded Preschool, Classroom Quality

Portfolio Entry 3: Statewide Facilities Survey

Project Overview:

Background:  In anticipation of the potential passage of bills legislating both infant/toddler and preschool program expansion, the agency is interested in learning about interest in and physical facility capacity for providing additional early learning services across the state.

Goal:  Conduct a survey of early learning providers (e.g., Center-based Child Care, Family Child Care, Head Starts, State-Funded Preschools, and other infant, toddler, and Pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) providers) to collect information about current services and facilities providing services to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers throughout the state, including current funding sources, and interest in expansion of services should funding become available.

Contributions of Fellow:

  • Conducted a literature review of facility surveys.
  • Created survey items and consent language, and incorporated feedback and recommendations from agency staff, research partners, school administrators, non-profit child advocacy organizations, and community partners.
  • Collaborated with community partners to distribute surveys widely to providers.
  • Managed and analyzed survey responses.
  • Disseminated survey results.

Activity Focus Keywords: Literature Review, Survey Design, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Disseminate Findings, Community Collaboration
Policy Area Keywords: Center-based Child Care, Family Child Care, Head Start, Pre-kindergarten (Pre-K), State-Funded Preschool, Early Learning Provider (ELP)