SRCD announces the formation of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression (SOGIE) Caucus!


The SOGIE Caucus was established to advance developmental research on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression and sexual and gender minority (SGM) young people and families.


The SOGIE Caucus was established to advance developmental research on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression and sexual and gender minority (SGM) young people and families; to advocate for increased attention to issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity/expression in developmental science more broadly; and to support the development of SGM researchers and scholars within developmental science.
The Caucus will be led by the following steering committee:

  • Stacey Horn (Chair), University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Christia Spears Brown, University of Kentucky
  • Paul Poteat, Boston College
  • Stephen Russell, University of Texas
  • Laura Baams (Bylaws), University of Groningen
  • Alice Donlan (Membership), University of Maryland
  • Fernando Salinas-Quiroz (Communications), National Pedagogic University
  • Negin Ghavami (Communications), Loyola Marymount University
  • Ethan Kutlu (Programming), University of Florida
  • Jen McGuire (Programming), University of Minnesota

Caucuses of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) support the goal of integrating diversity in the broader society. Caucuses serve the purpose of providing support, networking opportunities, and dissemination venues for research by and about members of groups underrepresented in the study of child development. The Caucuses also advise about and advocate for diverse and inclusive representation on SRCD’s Governing Council, Committees, Editorial Boards, Review Panels, and Task Forces. The SOGIE Caucus joins the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucuses.
We hope you will consider joining the SOGIE Caucus as we work together to build a vibrant, meaningful, and successful caucus. If you have any questions regarding caucus membership, please feel free to contact Stacey Horn at or Alice Donlan at For general questions regarding SRCD membership, contact the SRCD Member Support Team at

Please note: SRCD has a new Member Database, and all users will be prompted to create a new login and password in order to join the SOGIE Caucus. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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