Summer Training Opportunities: 2022 Pittsburgh Summer Methodology Series


Posted on behalf of the Pittsburgh Summer Methodology Series.


The Pittsburgh Summer Methodology Series


The Pittsburgh Summer Methodology Series will be offering a number of study design and quantitative methodology workshops this summer, providing training in state of the art statistical and research methods in a series of brief, affordable workshops for trainees (students and post-docs) and professionals (faculty and industry). These courses are designed for applied researchers and cover a number of topics of potential interest. 

All courses will be offered in a synchronous virtual format. Recordings will be made available to attendees after the workshop for 30 days.

Course offerings include Instrument Development, Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling, Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling, SMART Clinical Trial Designs, coding in the statistical language R, Machine Learning for Behavioral Scientists, Designing Ambulatory Assessment Studies, and Multilevel Modeling for Longitudinal Data.

Instructors are university faculty who regularly teach these methods as part of their standard coursework, and who each have extensive experience in applied use of the techniques, teaching brief workshops, and providing consultation to other applied scientists. The hands-on workshops are designed to give you the necessary knowledge and tools to implement these cutting edge methods in your own work.

Available Courses 

More about the series