Tell SRCD Your Thoughts on the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) Strategic Plan


Feedback to SRCD is due by July 18th, 2024.


SRCD requests our members’ input on the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH)’s proposed five-year strategic plan. Please fill out this survey by July 18, 2024 to ensure your voice is heard, as SRCD prepares a response on behalf of our members. 


On June 28th, 2024, the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), released a request for information on the NIMH’s Strategic Plan for Research. This five-year plan is supposed to work as a guide to help the NIMH advance its mission of delivering high quality, impactful research and to promote the translation of such research into clinical practice, services delivery, and policy. The focus is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure. 

Strategic Goals

The NIMH’s Strategic Plan for Research has four main goals, that look to leverage new opportunities for scientific exploration and address new challenges in mental health. These goals are:

The request for information (RFI) seeks feedback from stakeholders and the public on how to improve the strategic plan, mainly on ways to improve the potential usability, effectiveness, and impact of future strategic plans. 

Questions for Input

In particular, the NIMH is interested in learning:

  • Who's using the strategic plan?
  • How are people using the plan?
  • What elements of the plan are useful, and which are not?
  • What is missing from the plan?

The deadline to submit comments is on July 24th, 2024. For more information about this RFI, click here. To review the NIMH Strategic Plan for Research, click here.  

The SRCD Policy Department is preparing a written response, as part of the public comment period. The SRCD Policy Committee’s Science Policy Subcommittee will help shape and finalize SRCD’s comments. We want to hear from our members on the NIMH Strategic Plan for Research and how it can fully incorporate the developmental sciences. To submit your inputs, please fill out this survey by July 18, 2024.