- Revised Manuscript
Please ensure it conforms to the Publication Checklist requirements (failure to do so may lead to the manuscript being returned to you for correction). - A Public Summary
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Each author listed on the manuscript must submit a Full Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form, which is adapted from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Conflict of Interest Form (with permission).
Other Important Information and Materials:
Child Development Online Supplementary Materials
Beginning a few years ago, Child Development became able to host supplementary materials to articles published in the journal on its Wiley Online Library website. The new editorial team has been encouraging authors to take advantage of this resource as a way to cut the amount of material included in print articles and to provide additional information to interested readers. As such, we are urging authors to look critically at their manuscripts to find information that could potentially be moved online. Examples of materials that could be placed online include extra tables, figures, or appendices; test questions or other test materials; videos of experiments taking place; or additional data sets from meta-analyses. For Wiley’s guidelines for online supporting materials please see http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-828014.html.
Child Development Sociocultural Policy
As developmental science becomes more global, and the role of context in human development becomes more evident, it is necessary that SRCD publications provide, in addition to age, an indication of the unique characteristics of the sample and the “socioeconomic and cultural place” from which their findings originate. Accordingly, it is now required that manuscripts to be published in SRCD journals specify clearly in the appropriate section(s) (e.g., Method, Discussion) and in an abbreviated form in the Abstract: (1) the dates of data collection (if applicable); (2) the theoretically relevant characteristics of the particular sample studied, for example, but not limited to: race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language, sexual orientation, gender identity (inclusive of non-binary options), religion, generation, family characteristics; and (3) the place(s) from which that sample was drawn, including country, region, city, neighborhood, school, etc. and all other context variables that are relevant to the focus of the publication, except when it violates expectations of privacy and confidentiality by an institutional review board or the setting itself. Additionally, selection and recruitment procedures should be clearly specified in the Method section. Click here for the full policy.
Important Embargo Information for authors
Note to NIH Grantees
Pursuant to NIH mandate, Society through Wiley-Blackwell will post the accepted version of Contributions authored by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. For further information, see www.wiley.com/go/nihmandate.