SRCD Code of Ethical Conduct


Adopted by the Society for Research in Child Development Governing Council on November 12th, 2021


SRCD’s mission is rooted in an understanding of child development as an integrated part of lifelong development that takes place in complex and interrelated contexts. It is based on a belief that in order to create reliable, valid, and useful knowledge, developmental science must explore a diverse array of biological, cognitive, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of development through rigorous scientific inquiry that uses multiple perspectives, methods, and levels of analysis. This task requires approaches that represent individual disciplinary traditions as well as those that integrate multiple disciplines across a broad range of biological, behavioral, and social sciences.

This task also requires diversity in all its forms—among the children, families, and communities who are studied; among the scientists who conduct this work; and among the students who are preparing to be future teachers, practitioners, and researchers. In honor of this diverse and inclusive perspective, SRCD has created a Code of Ethical Conduct that emphasizes the values of the profession, which must be upheld by all leaders of the organization. The Code provides specific standards, which are not exhaustive and therefore may not include all possible examples of ethical or unethical conduct. SRCD is committed to protecting our members and breaking down structures that may perpetuate power dynamics and systemic bias.

The SRCD Code of Ethical Conduct (the “Code”) serves as a code of conduct for individuals representing the Society in the following roles:

  • Governing Council Member
  • SRCD Staff
  • Committee Chair
  • Committee Member
  • Editor
  • Associate Editor
  • Caucus Leader
  • Fellow
  • Fellowship Supervisor

This Code is developed and adopted with the goal of ensuring that these individuals (“Representatives”) understand their roles, responsibilities, and rights. Further, the premise of the Code is to promote inclusive and civil discourse, productive disagreement, and open but respectful communication, with our understanding that issues of power and privilege often disrupt and even silence open communication. The principles and requirements that comprise the Code, as well as the Procedures for Review (the “Procedures”), are designed to ensure full compliance by the Representatives with the fiduciary duties imposed upon such individuals by state corporate law, the federal tax code’s prohibition on private inurement and private benefit and other requirements of federal tax exemption, common law due process requirements, federal and state antitrust and unfair competition law, state tort law, and other legal precepts and prohibitions.Violations of the Code may result in sanctions imposed under the Procedures.

Download the full SRCD Code of Ethical Conduct