Policy Fellowship: How to Apply
Applications for SRCD’s 2025-2026 U.S. Policy Fellowship program are open! Submit yours by January 6, 2025 at 11:59 pm ET. Read on to learn how to apply, eligibility requirements and the interview process.

Applications for SRCD’s 2025-2026 U.S. Policy Fellowship program open on Monday, October 28th, 2024 and are due by January 6, 2025 at 11:59 pm ET.
Our Process
Our application process includes a written stage, an interview stage, and a matching process with your prospective placement (for federal, Congressional, and the New Hampshire placements). We strive to promote fairness in everything we do in the Policy Fellowship, including in our selection process. Your submission will be name and institution blind to ensure we look at the facts and not institutional branding, and you will be scored on concrete skills, which are described below. Applicants are scored by multiple reviewers at each phase, and we spend significant time moderating scores, to ensure we have a fair and impartial result. We also provide feedback at every stage to help you know what to improve when you either apply again to us or look at other opportunities.
What We Look For
This program is best suited for researchers that are passionate about evidence-based policymaking, who are open to growth and learning, and who want to explore policy-related career paths.
You will be most successful if you are eager to learn, are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and are passionate about bringing evidence into the policy space.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants for all placements must meet the following eligibility criteria: |
Citizenship and right to work |
Specific backgrounds |
Application Submissions
Submission Details
Applications are submitted on our online portal. If you’re preparing in advance, here’s what you will be asked:
1) Application Questions
These include eligibility questions on your degree status and citizenship or right-to-work status (note, state applicants that are not applying for the New Hampshire placement should check citizenship eligibility with their placement office). You will be asked to provide your educational and professional background, demographic information, and you will be asked to self-assess your experience with different research methodologies and child development concepts.
2) Statement of Interest (1,600-word limit)
You will be asked to complete a personal statement addressing the following questions:
- What are your current areas of research, primary questions of interest, and methodologies used to address the questions?
- What interests you in the SRCD state/federal policy fellowship? What do you hope to learn from this experience and why do you want to learn those skills?
- What specific skills, training, or experience make you a good candidate for this fellowship?
- Please describe a time in your professional career when you had to confront a bias that you held. The bias can be personal or professional in nature - for instance, it might relate to disciplinary background, race, language, politics, or religion. Describe the situation, how you responded, and share your learning from that experience.
3) References
You will need to ask for three references to complete a short survey about your skills, abilities, and experiences.
Note: The Selection Panel will only review the responses of three (3) references for each applicant. If an applicant submits additional references, SRCD will randomly select which three (3) the Selection Committee will review for that applicant.
Your references have until January 13, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET to submit their surveys. To be considered, it is the applicant’s responsibility that references meet this deadline.
4) Transcript
You will be asked to upload a PDF of your transcript (official or unofficial). Your transcript will be used to confirm that you have an academic background in developmental science.
5) Placement Agency Statement of Support (Only for state applicants that are not applying to the New Hampshire placement : 750-word limit)
If you are applying for the state placement and have identified your own state agency (i.e., you are not applying to the New Hampshire placement), then you must include a letter from your prospective placement agency, confirming their interest in hosting you as a fellow. Please see SRCD’s State Agency Statement of Support template for your letter of intent submission.
The statement of support should be written by an employee in a leadership position working on early childhood policy at the state agency. It should be from the agency that would provide the placement opportunity to the SRCD State Policy Fellow.
Note: it may be the case that an individual other than the employee in a leadership position would be the supervisor for the fellow. In such cases, we recommend this statement be written jointly with the agency leadership and the proposed supervisor.
The Pre-Interview Task
If you are selected for an interview, you will be given a pre-interview task. We use this task to help us ensure we are looking at applicant’s skills, not their polish. More information will be provided to applicants, after the initial written stage.
Finals Week
Those invited for an interview will participate in finals week! For the 2025-2026 cohort, this will take place between 2/24/25-3/5/25 (and yes, we know this is a week and a half!). In this time, all applicants will interview with SRCD’s selection panel virtually. Additionally, applicants for the federal agency and New Hampshire state placement will interview with those offices.
Here’s what the week looks like:
Date | Federal Applicants | State and Congressional Applicants |
Around February 7-12, 2024 | Successful applicants will be notified that they have been selected for Finals Week and given the pre-interview task. | |
Monday, February 25, 2025 |
Hear a presentation about the different placement types. For federal applicants, hear from each agency, then participate in a 15-minute short interview with federal agencies. |
Monday - Tuesday, February 24 - 25, 2025 |
SRCD interviews. Finalists announced after 5 p.m. on Tuesday evening. |
N/A |
Wednesday - Friday, February 26 - 28, 2025 |
Federal agencies and New Hampshire interview finalist applicants. |
SRCD interviews. |
Monday – Wednesday, March 3-5, 2025 | Federal agencies and New Hampshire interview finalist applicants. | SRCD interviews. |
Our Selection Panel
The Fellowship selection panel is comprised of members of SRCD’s Policy Committee and fellow alumni. We build panels with diverse backgrounds (e.g., different fellowship placement experiences and different career trajectories), to allow the panel to provide context for assessing fellowship credentials.
How We Evaluate Applications
SRCD is deeply committed to training and engaging a workforce that is representative in all its forms. We encourage fellowship applications from people with different disciplinary and philosophical beliefs, as well as scholars of color, scholars from underrepresented cultural and ethnic backgrounds, scholars from low-income backgrounds, first-generation college graduates, scholars with all abilities, and scholars from the LGBTQIA+ community.
Skills Evaluated
We score applicants on defined skills, as laid out below. All skills are assessed on a 1-5 scale, with 1 being no evidence of the skill and 5 exceeding expectations based on the skill description.
1) Expertise in developmental science
Understanding of factors that influence children’s development and current theoretical and empirical underpinnings of that knowledge base. The role of ecological contexts in children's growth and development, including the role of the family, schools, community, and society.
- Assessed in your written application, in pre-interview task, in interview, and by your reference’s survey results.
2) Expertise in research design and methodology
Understanding of and ability to use different methodological approaches used in child development research. Can articulate their advantages and disadvantages, feasibility, and theoretical foundation and can apply them to different research questions. Ability to apply research to real-world contexts, articulating the applications of research, implications of research limitations and contexts, and the implications of methodological choices in research, including on the ability to draw real-world outcomes or policy conclusions.
- Assessed in your written application, in the pre-interview task, in interview, and by your references’ survey results.
3) Openness to growth and learning
Interest in learning about policy making and policy implementation and other skills relevant to the experiences provided by the fellowship (e.g., communication, relevant child and family policy issues.). History of openness to learning from new experiences, including ability to seek out new endeavors, to tackle unfamiliar or unexpected challenges and to take on tasks or projects outside of area of expertise. Openness to working on and learning about new topics in child and family policy, even if not necessarily tied to current expertise.
- Assessed in written application, interview, and by your references’ survey results.
4) Appreciation for and commitment to including and engaging people from different perspectives and backgrounds
Understanding of the importance of attending to economic and sociocultural inequities in child development research and child and family policy. Demonstrates experience, ability and openness for working with people from different backgrounds. Ability to consider and offer solutions for the diverse needs, desires, motivations, and challenges facing different groups in relevant contexts. Understands how their own behavior and background can impact interpersonal relationships and demonstrates clear intent, actions, and strategies to foster inclusive, collaborative environments. Monitors the effectiveness of own dialogue with others from different backgrounds, assessing where and takes action to improve where necessary.
- Assessed in your personal statement, interview, and by references’ survey results.
5) Communication
Ability to communicate complex ideas, knowledge, and interests orally in a clear, accessible, and concise manner. Ability to communicate complex ideas, knowledge, and interests in written format in a clear, accessible, and concise manner. Takes into account people’s individual needs, adapting messages, content, vocabulary, and median depending on the situation. Delivers difficult messages with clarity and sensitivity, being persuasive when required. Considers the impact of the language used. Monitors the effectiveness of own communications and takes action to improve where necessary. Ability to communicate scientific findings in plain language, without jargon, in simple, short sentences in a way that is simple to understand.
- Assessed in your personal statement, in the pre-interview task, at interview, and in your references’ survey results.
6) Critical thinking & creative problem solving
Ability to think critically about problems and identify innovative or creative solutions to address them. Clarifies own understanding and stakeholder needs and expectations, before making decisions. Ensure decision making happens at the right level, seeking input where needed. Encourage both innovative suggestions and challenge from others, to inform decision making. Analyze and accurately interpret data from various sources to support decisions. Find the best option by identifying positives, negatives, risks and implications. Considers the impact to different groups, including groups that are different to the applicant. Presents reasonable conclusions from a wide range of complex and sometimes incomplete evidence. Makes decisions confidently even when details are unclear or if they prove to be unpopular.
- Assessed in written application, in the pre-interview task, at the interview, and in your references’ survey results.
7) Initiative-taking
Ability and willingness to take the lead in assigned tasks, do necessary planning or research to complete them, and get the work done on time. Awareness of when to ask for support or guidance on assigned tasks. Eagerness to help with projects by volunteering to lead or complete necessary tasks. Welcome and respond to views and challenges from others. Seeks out shared interests beyond own area of responsibility, understanding the extent of the impact actions have on the organization. Can seek out information and take appropriate risks, with minimal supervision.
- Assessed at the interview and in your references’ survey results.
8) Reliability
Ability to meet deadlines or clearly communicate when deadlines need to be revised. Timeliness in attending meetings or calls. Consistency in meeting obligations for work products, meeting attendance, or other expectations.
- Assessed in your timeliness in meeting all application deadlines and attending interviews, and in your references’ survey results.
How We Are Funded
The federal agency placements are generously funded through a grant from the Administration for Children and Families and each placement agency. State and Congressional placements are generously supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation on either one-year or two-year grant cycles. The New Hampshire state placement is funded by the Couch Family Foundation. Because of our amazing funders, placement sites do not have to pay for fellows.
We have a high degree of confidence in our competitiveness for our grant applications. However, it is important that applicants understand that their placements are always subject to our funder’s ability to sustain the program.
SRCD can support a dedicated placement for a specific state if there are philanthropic or other funders interested in supporting that placement. If you know of a philanthropic organization that might be willing to support a fellow in your state, please reach out to us at policy@srcd.org. We would be happy to work with that organization to support a dedicated placement in your state.
Get Help or Ask Questions
If you have any questions or would like to get connected with a current or former fellow, please email policy@srcd.org and a member of the team will assist you as soon as possible.