2017 SRCD Biennial Awardees


It is a tradition of SRCD that at each of our biennial meetings, several major awards are presented. SRCD is pleased to announce the deserving recipients of the 2017 SRCD Awards! Please join us on Friday, April 7th for the SRCD Awards Ceremony, which immediately follows the Business Meeting commencing at 4PM in Ballroom D on the 4th floor of the Austin Convention Center.

Letter to SRCD Members in this Crisis Moment


We grieve with countless families whose loved ones died senseless and inexplicable deaths at the hands of police officers around the globe. Read the letter from Natasha Cabrera (SRCD Secretary), Ken Dodge (SRCD President) and Nancy Hill (SRCD President-Elect)

Child Development Special Section: Registered Reports in Child Development


Child Development invites manuscripts for the first of two planned Special Sections on Registered Reports, edited by Moin Syed (University of Minnesota), Michael C. Frank (Stanford University), and Glenn I. Roisman (in his role as Editor-in-Chief of Child Development). Letters of Intent were due by September 20, 2020. Stage 1 Registered Report submissions are no longer being accepted. 

Member Survey Results 2019


In August-September 2019, SRCD administered a member survey that included several questions about members’ attitudes and opinions about open science practices, the 2021 biennial conference, support for early career members, and inclusivity.  Included are some highlights from the survey that are guiding our next steps as an organization.