Coffee-Hour Syllabus Discussion

Event Details

Coffee-Hour Roundtable Discussion: Getting Your Syllabus Ready for the Fall

Tuesday, July 25, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET

Join us for a lively and engaging informal coffee-hour roundtable discussion! This interactive session is open to all and aims to address any inquiries or facilitate idea-sharing about syllabus construction. Whether you have questions about assessments, classroom policies, or even ChatGPT integration or AI-related policies, this is the perfect platform for fruitful discussions.

If you attended Part 1 of our webinar series on creating equity-minded syllabi, we encourage you to join us again to have any lingering questions answered. Don't worry if you couldn't attend the previous session; we wholeheartedly welcome you to this roundtable to exchange ideas and seek guidance on any syllabus-related topics.

Watch the webinar recording


Meet the Moderators


Dr. Eva Chen
Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychological Sciences at Benedictine College

Dr. Jamie Jirout
Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia

Dr. Aya Shigeto
Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, College of Psychology at Nova Southeastern University