Grant Writing Academy for Child Development Researchers: A Three-Part Webinar Series


Week 1: September 18, 2023 1-2:30 p.m. ET | UPDATE: Week 2: September 29, 2023 1-2:30 p.m. ET | Week 3: October 2, 2023 1-2:30 p.m. ET.

Event Details

Grant Writing Academy for Child Development Researchers Three Part Webinar Series

★ Certificates of Completion issued by the Grant Writing Training Foundation will be given to individuals who participate in all three live sessions. 

Join us on this grant-writing journey. This three-part program will cover the basics of researching and writing highly competitive grant applications for child development research. Take all three webinars and receive a Certificate of Completion from the Grant Writing Training Foundation.  Resource files will be provided after each session, in addition to a recording of the most recent session. If you cannot make a session, no problem. Simply review the recordings to catch up on what you may have missed. However, the Certificate of Completion is only offered to those who attend the live sessions. Led by Dr. Beverly A. Browning.


Registration Prices

Status Price Per Week All Three Weeks
SRCD Member $55 $150
Non-Member $75 $200


Register now

Participants with high due diligence will demonstrate the following learning objectives: 

Learning objectives by week:

Week 1: September 18, 2023 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern 

  • Understand the concept of a Theory of Change and its importance in program and project planning. 
  • Identify key stakeholders and their roles in the planning process. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to engage stakeholders effectively in developing a Theory of Change. 
  • Apply critical thinking skills to analyze stakeholder input and incorporate it into program and project planning. 
  • Develop a comprehensive Theory of Change that aligns with the goals and objectives of the program or project. 
  • Understand the purpose and benefits of government grants. 
  • Identify relevant government grant opportunities for a specific project or organization. 
  • Utilize various research methods and tools to gather information on government grants. 
  • Evaluate eligibility criteria and application requirements for government grants. 
  • Develop effective strategies for navigating the government grant application process. 
  • Understand the purpose and components of a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) context. 
  • Analyze and interpret the requirements and guidelines outlined in Subject Area NOFO. 
  • Identify the critical elements of a competitive grant application based on the NOFO. 
  • Evaluate the alignment between a proposed project and the goals and priorities outlined in the NOFO. 
  • Provide constructive feedback and recommendations for improving a grant application based on the review of the Subject Area NOFO. 

UPDATE: Week 2: September 29, 2023 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern 

  • Understand the role of foundations in grant funding. 
  • Identify relevant foundation grant opportunities for a specific project or organization. 
  • Utilize various research methods and resources to gather information on foundation grants. 
  • Evaluate eligibility criteria and application requirements for foundation grants. 
  • Develop effective strategies for approaching and engaging with foundation grantmakers. 
  • Understand the purpose and components of foundation guidelines specific to childhood development grantmaking. 
  • Analyze and interpret the requirements and guidelines outlined in a Foundation Guidelines document. 
  • Identify the critical elements of a competitive grant application based on the foundation's priorities and focus areas. 
  • Evaluate the alignment between a proposed project and the goals and priorities outlined in the Foundation Guidelines. 
  • Provide constructive feedback and recommendations for improving a grant application based on the review of the Foundation Guidelines. 
  • Understand the importance of conducting a comprehensive assessment before pursuing a grant funding opportunity. 
  • Identify critical factors to consider when conducting a Go/No-Go assessment for foundation and government grants. 
  • Evaluate the feasibility and alignment of a project or program with the requirements and priorities of a funding opportunity. 
  • Analyze the organizational capacity and readiness to pursue a specific grant opportunity. 
  • Make an informed decision on whether to proceed with a grant funding opportunity based on the assessment. 
  • Understand the importance of building relationships with foundation staff for successful grantseeking. 
  • Identify strategies and best practices for initiating and maintaining relationships with foundation staff. 
  • Demonstrate effective communication and networking skills when interacting with foundation staff. 
  • Understand the role of relationship-building in securing foundation grants. 
  • Apply relationship-building techniques to establish and nurture connections with foundation staff. 

Week 3: October 2, 2023 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern 

  • Understand the peer review or evaluation criteria used in government grant applications. 
  • Identify the key components and expectations of each criterion. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to align the content of a grant application with the peer review or evaluation criteria. 
  • Develop clear and concise responses that address each criterion effectively. 
  • Apply persuasive solid writing skills to present the project or program based on the criteria compellingly. 
  • Understand the structure and components of a foundation research project request 

Included in Your Training Program: 

  • Copy of weekly Zoom recording 
  • Weekly resource files 
  • Certificates of Completion issued by the Grant Writing Training Foundation will be given to individuals who participate in all three live sessions. 

Register Now

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