Toward a Holistic Developmental Science: Catalyzing Transdisciplinary Multi-Sector Collaborations to Understand and Support Human Development


NEW DATES! | September 29 to October 1, 2022 | St. Louis, Missouri, USA | A Presidential Special Topic Meeting

Event Details
SRCD is pleased to announce the availability of three $10,000 grants to support research that is aligned with the goals of this conference. These funds will be dedicated to supporting researchers in developing new cross-cutting, transdisciplinary collaborations that diversify and transform the research process. More details about this new grant mechanism will be shared at the conference.


This conference is designed to create intellectually rich contexts to seed new synergistic collaborations across and within the developmental sciences. Structured to promote authentic, cross-cutting discussions, this meeting is designed to cultivate new collaborations across disciplinary focus, across methodological lenses, and levels of analysis.

If you are one who attends a conference and actively tries to apply what you have learned to your own research only to find that you are doing that alone or with your own lab, if you are one who is eager to present you most significant findings and see those findings applied to new research in new areas, if you are ready to conduct truly integrative work across sectors of developmental science, we urge you to submit best ideas and come ready to engage across disciplines and sectors of the developmental sciences.

Although we know that human development unfolds within a myriad of levels, systems, and contexts--biological and neuroscience levels, at community and cultural levels, within families and social relationships, along with individuals’ meaning making, developmental science and methodologies often exist in silos. We attend conferences, learn about work in our immediate areas, while craving opportunities to have deep conversations with people who are interested in similar outcomes and processes but study these from different lenses. This conference is intentionally designed to break down those barriers and have authentic and generative conversations that lead to novel and innovative research collaborations.

Significantly, for the developmental sciences to embrace the diversity of normative human development more fully, the field needs to revisit the assumptions embedded in our methods and measurement and redefine and refine constructs and measurement. The field needs to work in collaboration with the communities in which children grow up and with agencies that impact their development. The field needs research that communicates across paradigms, methodologies, and theoretical orientations. The field needs research that is informed by the communities, practitioners, and policy makers who will use it.

Post-Conference Engagement and Products:

  • Preconference Biennial Meeting (continuation of Working Roundtables at the special topic meeting) opportunity to meet face-to-face with collaborators from multiple sectors and disciplines.  
    • Novel research ideas that grew out of the Special Topic Meeting and their project leaders will be brought together before the biennial meeting to provide status updates.  
    • Provide support of new projects beyond initial meeting discussion through a pre-conference follow-up at the 2023 Biennial in Salt Lake City, Utah. 
    • Scholars from underrepresented backgrounds with promising research projects supported travel opportunities to the Biennial Meeting in March. 
  • Identify additional support, mentorship, and collaboration. 
  • Learnings will be compiled by the organizers to reveal themes, training needs, and new approaches to developmental science post special topic conference.  
  • Concept paper will be developed regarding cross-sector developmental scientific research in community contexts. 

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