Science Advocacy

Advocating for the Developmental Sciences

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SRCD is dedicated to advancing the developmental sciences which includes advocating for our sciences and our scientists. SRCD works to ensure that policymakers, funders, and other decision-making bodies support and protect the interests of the child development research community in the U.S. and globally.

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Science Advocacy Activities

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SRCD posts comments, submits responses to draft policies, signs-on to multi-organization letters, and shares updates regarding policies and practices impacting our scientific community's ability to fund, conduct, publish, and disseminate its research.

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Recent SRCD Engagement

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SRCD initiates Calls-to-Action as well as sign on letters to U.S. officials, representing the interests and goals of the SRCD membership and the science community as a whole.


A Seat at the Table

SRCD advocates for the best interests of child development researchers through its membership in consortia, coalitions, and federations dedicated to supporting the behavioral and social science community. The Executive Director and other SRCD staff represent our members in these groups:


Other Ways You Can Get Involved

Check out some helpful resources, links, and blogs from affiliate organizations to help kickstart your engagement in science advocacy.