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Melinda Gonzales-Backen

Member Spotlight: Melinda Gonzales-Backen

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Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Science at Florida State University.

Melinda Gonzales-Backen
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Stephanie Miller

Member Spotlight: Stephanie Miller

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Associate Professor and Director of Experimental Training,  Department of Psychology, The University of Mississippi

Stephanie Miller
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Amy K. Marks, Ph.D.

Member Spotlight: Amy K. Marks, Ph.D.

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Professor of Psychology, Suffolk University; Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Fellow, Harvard Divinity School; SRCD Science & Social Policy Committee. 

Amy K. Marks, Ph.D.
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Lenna Ontai, Ph.D.

Member Spotlight: Lenna Ontai, Ph.D.

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Professor of Cooperative Extension, Department of Human Ecology, University of California, Davis.

Lenna Ontai, Ph.D.