SRCD 2023 Biennial Meeting
March 23-25, 2023 | Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | The 2023 Biennial Meeting Location

March 23-25, 2023
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
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About SRCD and its Biennial Meetings
The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) is an international, multidisciplinary, nonprofit professional association whose primary goal is to promote the understanding of child development through research and dissemination. Members conduct theoretical studies, basic and applied research, and policy analyses to understand and enhance child development.
Since the first meeting held in 1934, SRCD has hosted a biennial meeting on odd-numbered years for its members and the developmental science community. Through its biennial meetings, which draw attendees from countries throughout the world, SRCD strives to meet the goal of understanding child development through research while serving as a network and forum for its members and attendees, as stated in SRCD’s strategic goals. Members and attendees include professionals and graduate students in psychology, human development, family studies, education, public policy, sociology, social work, psychiatry, pediatrics, and public health. Attendance at the biennial meetings averages 6,500.
About the SRCD Biennial Site Selection Process
About the Co-Organizers
Nancy E. Hill, SRCD President
Harvard University
Nancy Hill is a developmental psychologist whose research focuses on parenting and adolescent development. Along with Alexis Redding, she has recently published a book focused on the developmental benefits of delaying adulthood, The End of Adolescence: The Lost Art of Delaying Adulthood (Harvard University Press, 2021). This book provides evidence for the historical precedence and rationale for extending the time to adulthood.
In addition, Hill’s research focuses in on two broader areas. First, she studies the ways race, socioeconomic status, and community context interact and impact youths’ opportunities for upward mobility, especially through secondary school and postsecondary transitions. Second, her research focuses on the relational supports and mechanisms associated with adolescents’ emerging sense of purpose and views of the economy as they influence post-secondary transitions to college and career. These include familial and school-based supportive relationships and how they support youth as they engage in school, succeed academically and hone their goals, aspirations, and sense of purpose. Hill is known for her work identifying developmentally sensitive strategies to maintain parental involvement in education during adolescence.
Hill’s current research projects include two research-practice partnerships. One is a longitudinal study following adolescents across high school, focusing on economically and ethnically diverse youth and their emerging sense of purpose and views of the economy as they influence post-secondary transitions to college and career. The second is focused on academic engagement and postsecondary planning among immigrant youth. In addition, she and her colleagues are collaborating with a large urban school district on how families experience school choice and the impact on equitable access to high-quality educational opportunities.
Gigi Luk, Program, Co-Chair
McGill University
Gigi Luk's research on bilingualism's cognitive and neural consequences extends across the lifespan. She leads a research program that examines how diverse language experiences shape development and learning. Using neuroimaging and behavioral methods, Luk studies bilingualism as an interactional experience that shapes cognition. In addition to investigating the science of bilingualism, Luk has examined how to harness scientific findings on bilingualism to improve the educational experience for children from diverse language backgrounds. In particular, she has established a research program investigating: (1) effective ways to examine bilingualism and learning; (2) how bilingualism and executive functions interact to influence literacy outcomes; and (3) brain mechanisms underlying learning new information in children and adults. Luk obtained her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from York University, Canada, in 2008. She then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Rotman Research Institute at the Baycrest Center before joining the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2011. In January 2019, she joined the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill.
Rashmita S. Mistry, Program Co-Chair
University of California, Los Angeles
Rashmita S. Mistry, Ph.D., is a Professor and Vice-Chair of Undergraduate Programs in Education & Social Transformation in the Department of Education at the University of California, Los Angeles. A developmental psychologist, Dr. Mistry’s research examines the consequences of family socioeconomic resources and disadvantages on children’s developmental outcomes and children’s perceptions, reasoning, and experiences of social status (i.e., social class, race/ethnicity, nationality).